For teachers of students of all ages, Pre-K through 12th grade.
DOEE has established an environmental education resources center to act as a "one-stop-shop" for teachers and other environmental educators seeking high quality environmental education materials. Educators may browse, borrow materials for use in the classroom, and take advantage of "give-away" items. Teachers can utilize up-to-date resource materials that promote interdisciplinary learning, reinforce science, math and reading skills, and adhere to the national education standards.
Available resources on loan to environmental educators:
- NEW! DOEE’s watershed trailer is a large-scale, interactive watershed model that teachers can use to show the principles of stream flow, bank erosion, and proper stewardship of our local waterways. Please call for information and scheduling.
- Audio-Visual Materials
- Lab Equipment
- Curricula
- Maps & Posters
- Games & Models
- Gardening tools
RiverSmart Sschools
The RiverSmart Schools program helps integrate design for outdoor education and stormwater management for water quality, flood reduction, and urban heat mitigation. Learn more & apply >>
Aquatic Resources Education Center
The Aquatic Resources Education Center (AREC) is a multi-use education and aquaculture center operated by DOEE in Anacostia Park. Free field trips that include an interactive facility tour and hands-on environmental education lesson are available for students in grades Pre-K through 12. Learn more and register online by visiting the Aquatic Resources Education Center homepage. The AREC is open to the public Monday through Friday from 10:00 AM – 2:00 PM, with the exception of federal holidays.
Educator Professional Development Workshops
DOEE offers a suite of professional development training opportunities to instructors of grades Pre-K through 12 that help fulfill the standards for teaching and learning and provide guidance on how to aid learners in developing environmental awareness and science literacy. Environmental Education Workshops and Training sessions are free and participants receive complimentary classroom-ready, user-friendly instructor guides and access to additional resources and networking opportunities with other educators.
DC Environmental Education Consortium (DCEEC)
A network of environmental and conservation educators that increases the capacity to provide meaningful environmental education for District residents. DOEE is a charter member of the organization and is actively involved in its efforts.