Talking to Caregivers: Anticipatory Guidance
Protecting children from lead means more than just screening. Providers should engage parents/guardians about conditions that put their children at risk.
- Important notes for parents/caregivers and pregnant individuals
- Educational Materials
- Guide to environmental health screening
Lead Screening
District law requires ALL children to be tested twice by two – once between 6-14 months and again between 22 and 26 months. But there are also other specific circumstances that trigger screening requirements.
- Screening Questionnaire & What you need to Know
- Lead Screening Guidelines & Certificate of Testing for Lead Poisoning
Diagnosing and Managing Lead Exposures
The District monitors all lead screenings conducted in the District and oversees an immediate emergency response for lead levels above 45 ug/dL.
- District's recommendations on the diagnosis and management of lead toxicity in children
- Diagnosing & Measuring Exposures Chart
Additional Resources for Healthcare Providers
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