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Green Infrastructure Maintenance

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Green Stormwater Infrastructure Maintenance

Green Stormwater Infrastructure Maintenance

All green infrastructure practices, including those found on District-owned lands, require maintenance to ensure functionality and continued value to our waterways. Some of the frequent maintenance events that GSI practices require include:

 - Trash & debris removal         - Weeding
 - Inlet & overflow cleanout     - Cleaning
 - Sweeping                                 - Planting or re-planting
 - Sediment Removal                 - Restorative Maintenance

DOEE will ensure that all GSI practices on District-owned lands receive their required maintenance. This includes:

  • Routine maintenance - where DOEE vendors provide scheduled maintenance touches to our practices; and
  • On-call maintenance - where DOEE can respond to requests from the general public on facilities that may need to be maintained.

To do this work, DOEE has established grants and contracts that:

  1. Work to dispatch crews to handle needed maintenance; and
  2. Train local DC residents, including those from historically disadvantaged communities and backgrounds, to learn and understand the requirements to maintain GI in urban areas like the District.Green Stormwater Infrastructure Maintenance

Want to Adopt Green Infrastructure in Your Community?

Have you spotted a raingarden in your community that you and your community group would like to adopt?   With a little bit of knowledge and training, you too can help provide supplemental care for DOEE’s green infrastructure in between routine maintenance visits by DOEE’s maintenance teams.

Please email [email protected] about your specific interest and include as much information as you can from the below list.

  • GI Practice Address
  • Closest Intersection (example 18th St and Rhode Island Ave NE)
  • Submitter Name
  • Submitter Phone
  • GI BMP Number (if known)
    • See map below for list of District-owned GI and BMP ID numbers
  • Please include a photo if possible

District Green Stormwater Infrastructure Map

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