Green Power in the District
Green power is a type of renewable energy with the highest positive environmental impact. EPA defines this as: “as electricity produced from solar, wind, geothermal, biogas, eligible biomass, and low-impact small hydroelectric sources. To qualify as green power, this renewable electricity must also go above and beyond what is otherwise required by mandate or requirement.”
The District’s energy market is deregulated, which means customers can choose to buy energy from different suppliers. All energy suppliers are required to comply with the District’s Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS), which dictates they must sell a certain amount of green power each year. Customers may choose to purchase more green power (above the current RPS rate) from a third-party energy supplier.
We Did It! You Should Too!
The District and Federal Governments, as well as hundreds of businesses are already using green power. Join us!
Local Green Power Partners include:
- Ben's Chili Bowl
- British Embassy
- DowntownDC Business Improvement District
- Flow Yoga
- Gallaudet University
- Hyatt Regency Washington
- Landis Construction
- National Geographic Society
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
- See the full list of EPA Green Power Partners
Buy Green Power - Signing Up is Easy!
Step 1: Select an offer from one of the green power providers listed below.
Step 2: Become an EPA Green Power Partner to ensure your purchase counts toward's DC's goal. (Non-residential customers only.) Non-Residential Customers
- CleanChoice Energy - For Small Business
- Clearview Energy
- Constellation Energy
- Groundswell Community Power Program for Organizations
- Viridian Energy
- Washington Gas Energy Services
- ENGIE Resources | Commercial Energy Provider
Residential Customers
Residential customers may also purchase green power from third-party suppliers. For customers interested, DOEE recommends reviewing our page on what to consider with third-party energy suppliers.
- Clearview Energy
- CleanChoice Energy
- Groundswell Community Power Program for Homes
- Viridian Energy
- Washington Gas Energy Services
New Green Power Suppliers:
- To be listed above, please contact [email protected] with the subject line “New Green Power Supplier”
We All Benefit:
Every resident, business, and institution choosing green power helps to clean our air, supports renewable energy, and creates jobs in the new clean energy economy. Non-residential customers are also encouraged to sign-up with the EPA Green Power Partnership to help us meet our goal.
- Learn more about the EPA Green Power Partnership.
We Did It! You Should Too!
The District and Federal Governments, as well as thousands of local households and hundreds of businesses are already using green power. Join us!
Local Green Power Partners include:
- Ben's Chili Bowl
- British Embassy
- DowntownDC Business Improvement District
- Flow Yoga
- Gallaudet University
- Hyatt Regency Washington
- Landis Construction
- National Geographic Society
- U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs
See the full list of EPA Green Power Partners [PDF]
Buy Green Power - Signing Up is Easy!
Step 1: Select an offer from one of the green power providers listed below.
Step 2: Become an EPA Green Power Partner to ensure your purchase counts toward's DC's goal. (Non-residential customers only.)
Residential Customers
- Clearview Energy
- CleanChoice Energy
- Groundswell Community Power Program for Homes
- Viridian Energy
- Washington Gas Energy Services
Non-Residential Customers
- CleanChoice Energy - For Small Business
- Clearview Energy
- Constellation Energy
- Groundswell Community Power Program for Organizations
- Viridian Energy
- Washington Gas Energy Services
- ENGIE Resources | Commercial Energy Provider
National Green Power Suppliers
New Green Power Suppliers:
- To be listed above, please contact [email protected].
Keep DC the Nation's #1 Green Power Purchaser!
The competition remains fierce! We lead the country in the EPA’s Green Power Community Challenge, but other cities are gaining on us. In the summer of 2011, Mayor Gray challenged District residents and businesses to increase our green power purchases 33%. Collectively, we’ve met that challenge. As of April 21, 2014 Washington, DC retains our position as the nation's #1 Green Power Community, with over 1 billion kilowatt hours of clean energy purchases comprising 12% of all electricity sold in the city. Help us maintain that momentum, on the way to our 50% renewable energy goal by 2032!
We All Benefit:
Every resident, business, and institution choosing green power helps to clean our air, supports renewable energy, and creates jobs in the new clean energy economy. Make the switch to clean energy by selecting a green power provider by August 31, 2011. Non-residential customers are also encouraged to sign-up with the EPA Green Power Partnership to help us meet our goal.