Submit a Complaint
If you observe erosion issues or excessive stormwater runoff at a construction site, please call 311, use the online app at 311.dc.gov, or email [email protected].
DOEE's Inspection Authority
All land-disturbing activities in the District of Columbia require a Department of Buildings (DOB) permit unless they are exempted from the Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations in 21 DCMR, Chapter 5. DOEE is authorized to inspect sites where land-disturbing activities take place to ensure they comply with approved DOEE plans.
DOEE inspects these types of plans:
Types of Inspections & Approvals
Failure to comply with these requirements may result in denial of the Certificate of Occupancy and a fine.
Pre-Construction Inspection
DC law requires that before starting any land disturbance, the property owner, permittee, or designated agent must complete an on-site or virtual DOEE pre-construction inspection. At this meeting, you will discuss your project's inspection schedule and requirements. Therefore, you must have an approved DOEE plan and a Department of Buildings (DOB) building permit before scheduling this inspection.
You are also required to contact your assigned DOEE inspector to schedule a separate Pre-Construction Inspection before starting construction of the Stormwater Management Plan.
Compliance Monitoring Inspection
After land disturbance begins, DOEE is authorized to inspect construction activities. Your DOEE inspector will follow the inspection schedule determined at the Pre-Construction Inspection meeting and is also authorized to make unscheduled inspections.
Final Construction Inspection
DC law requires that within one (1) week after completing the activities in an ESC, GAR, or SWM plan, the permittee, property owner, or designated agent must notify the assigned DOEE inspector to request a final construction inspection. Failure to comply with this requirement may result in enforcement actions and may delay issuing the Certificate of Occupancy Permit.
As-built Approval
The registered professional engineer for the project is required to submit the As-Built plan for all stormwater management facilities within twenty-one (21) calendar days after the final construction inspection.
Service Contact
Department of Energy & Environment
Inspection and Enforcement Division
Email: [email protected]