Hop to It! Celebrate spring and contribute to amphibian conservation in your community by becoming a DOEE FrogWatch Chapter Volunteer! This classroom- and activity-based workshop will train prospective volunteer citizen scientists on how to collect and submit data on calling frogs and toads at streams and wetlands throughout the District. Participants will be introduced to frogs and toads in the DC-Metro region by seeing live animals and through learning how to recognize individual species calls. The two-hour classroom portion is followed by an optional field visit newly-established monitoring sites at Pope Branch Park; participants must be able to bike or drive to this location from the Aquatic Resources Education Center (map).
The workshop is free but space is limited and registration is required. Participants aged 10 and up are welcomed; minors under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian.
Learn more about the DOEE FrogWatch Chapter by visiting http://doee.dc.gov/service/frogwatch. Register online or contact a chapter coordinator by emailing [email protected] or calling (202) 440-3951.