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Kingman Island and Heritage Island Development Project

Project Overview

The purpose of this project is to develop and execute a master plan for comprehensive ecological restoration, conservation and management for the site. This masterplan will be developed in adherence with guiding principles of ecological restoration, biophilic design, recreation, environmental education, flexible programmable spaces, connectivity to the natural environment of the river, lake and habitats, integration of life-enhancing spaces, and universal design.

Kingman and Heritage Islands are 40 and 7 acres, respectively. Heritage Island is accessed via a footbridge from the Robert F. Kennedy (RFK) Stadium Parking Lot 6, and is surrounded by Kingman Lake. Adjacent to Heritage Island to its east, Kingman Island can be accessed via the island’s entrance on Benning Road and via a footbridge from Heritage Island. It is surrounded by Kingman Lake on the west and the Anacostia River on the east. Kingman and Heritage Islands are flanked by the River Terrace neighborhood on the east and Kingman Park neighborhood in the west. The islands abut a new athletic fields project developed by EventsDC, The Fields at RFK Campus.

Kingman and Heritage Islands are the product of dredging the Anacostia River over 100 years ago and are now home to important and rare ecosystems, including tidal freshwater wetlands, vernal pools, wildflower meadows, and tidal swamp forests. The islands are home to more than 100 different species of birds, mammals, and other wildlife.

In 2016 the District Council appointed DOEE to administer a grant to assesses the feasibility and cost of developing, maintaining, and managing a state-of-the-art nature center and other possible structures and uses of the islands consistent with the National Children's Island Act of 1995, the Anacostia Waterfront Framework Plan, and the Comprehensive Plan.

In February 2018, Mayor Bowser announced significant conservation and investment commitments for Kingman and Heritage Islands and directed the DC Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) to designate portions of both islands as a State Conservation Area and the southern area of Kingman Island as a Critical Wildlife Area. The State Conservation Area designation mimics the federal covenant for the islands, restricting their use to environmental, educational, and recreational purposes. In addition, the Mayor also announced a new $4.7 million investment for educational and recreational improvements on the islands.

The Kingman Island development project springs from the Feasibility Study as its basis, with the goal of preserving and enhancing this unique amenity as a natural oasis in the city for the enjoyment of District residents and visitors and for continued environmental education and stewardship volunteer programs. Specific project goals include: outdoor classrooms, pathways and boardwalks, way finding signage and viewsheds, and invasives removal, management and comprehensive ecological restoration planning.

Project Status

The Kingman Island design RFP closed in August 2024. DOEE expects to award the contract in April-May of 2025.

Interim Projects

DOEE is working on immediate short term, low cost projects to help enhance the capital project goals while the contracting process is under way. Funding for these projects will come from various sources including some DOEE grant vehicles such as the Community Stormwater Solutions (CSS) grants, RiverCorps grants, Green Zone Environmental Programs (GZEP), and through DOEE’s partnership with Living Classrooms.

Interim Projects underway: Living Classrooms: Kingman Island Access Beautification Community Arts Project

Contact Info:

For questions or more information not related to the contracting process, contact: Lee Cain; [email protected]  |  (202) 695-5407

For questions related to contracting, please contact:
Tracy Crump: [email protected]


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