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Natural Resources Administration

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Steve Saari, Deputy Director
(202) 535-2961 |  [email protected] 

The Natural Resources Administration’s (NRA’s) core function is to conserve, protect, and improve the soil, water, and living resources of the District of Columbia and to protect its aquatic resources from pollution and degradation. NRA achieves its objectives through a combination of federal and District authorities, such as strategic planning; setting and enforcing water quality standards; and monitoring and assessing the quality of the aquatic and wildlife resources. NRA has five divisions.

Fisheries and Wildlife Division (FWD)

Rese Cloyd, Associate Director
(202) 997-9607 | [email protected]

The Fisheries and Wildlife Division develops, supports, and implements programs for urban fish and wildlife conservation, protection, recreation, and sustainability. FWD achieves its objectives by employing innovative and traditional scientific methods to obtain the best natural resource data available and by elevating environmental awareness and stewardship through education, outreach and community involvement. FWD has two branches.

The Fisheries Research Branch conducts annual surveys and studies of migratory and resident fish in the District waterways.

The Wildlife Management Branch conserves wildlife resources for the health and enjoyment of District residents.

FWD also runs the Aquatic Resources Education Center (AREC), an aquarium and education center that offers free programs to schools, community groups and the public.

Inspection and Enforcement Division (IED)

Jayne Brown, Associate Director
(202) 535-2226     |  [email protected]  

The Inspection and Enforcement Division protects the District’s water resources through enforcement of water pollution control laws and regulations. IED has three branches.

The Construction and Maintenance Branch inspects construction sites for compliance with District requirements for soil erosion and sediment control, stormwater best management practices (BMPs), and Green Area Ratio (GAR).

The Municipal Stormwater Branch conducts facility inspections, compliance monitoring and enforcement for illicit discharges under the District’s Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System Permit. The Branch also inspects the operation and maintenance of BMPs, including compliance for the RiverSmart Rewards and Stormwater Retention Credit Trading Programs.

The Industrial Stormwater and Wastewater Branch conducts facility inspections for industrial facilities that are permitted under EPA’s National Pollution Discharge Elimination System. The Branch also inspects well construction and abandonment, construction in streams and wetlands, and compliance with Groundwater Discharge Authorizations.

Regulatory Review Division (RRD)

Meredith Upchurch, Associate Director
202-535-2248  |  [email protected]

The Regulatory Review Division reviews proposed construction projects in the District to ensure they comply with applicable laws and regulations to protect and restore health to District water bodies. RRD also manages related programs, including the District’s flood risk management initiatives and mitigation programs such as the Stormwater Retention Credit Trading Program and In Lieu Fee Program. RRD has three branches.

The Stormwater and Green Area Branch (SGAB) regulates, reviews, and issues permits for development in the District that trigger the District Municipal Stormwater Regulations, Soil Erosion and Sediment Control Regulations, and the Zoning Green Area Ratio requirements. In addition to permit construction document review, SGAB provides guidance on regulation compliance for federal and district agencies.

The Floodplain, Wetlands, and Groundwater Branch (FWGB) regulates, reviews, and issues permits for development and construction in the District’s floodplains, wetlands, and streams. FWGB regulates, reviews, and issues permits for the construction of wells, soil borings, and the discharge of groundwater into the Districts Sewer Systems. This branch also develops programs and projects to restore and construct new wetlands and to reduce flood risk in the District.

The Green Infrastructure Incentives and Assessment Branch (GIIAB) is responsible for implementing the District’s stormwater off-site compliance program, as well as incentive programs for the installation of runoff-reducing Green Infrastructure (GI) and stormwater financial relief programs, including the Stormwater Retention Credit (SRC) Trading Program, the SRC Price Lock Program, the Clean Rivers Impervious Area Charge (CRIAC) Non-profit Financial Relief Program, and the RiverSmart Rewards Stormwater Impervious Fee Discount Program. GIIAB also manages the development and implementation of DOEE’s Surface and Groundwater System (SGS), which is DOEE’s data management system for tracking the installation and maintenance of GI within the District.

Water Quality Division (WQD)

Jonathan Champion, Associate Director
(202) 535-1722  |  [email protected]

The Water Quality Division evaluates the health of the District’s waters and aquatic resources, establishes and enforces water quality standards, sets targets for pollution reduction, develops implementation strategies to meet standards, tracks and reports on restoration progress and manages local and federal funds to achieve these goals. WQD has three branches.

The Monitoring and Assessment Branch implements programs to evaluate the condition of the District’s waters.

The Standards and TMDL Branch establishes water quality standards and Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), certifies federal permits, and evaluates the condition of and impacts to groundwater.

The Planning and Reporting Branch manages the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) program, models pollution reduction progress, manages water quality data, and manages the Federal Clean Water Construction Grant Program.

Watershed Protection Division (WPD)

Steve Saari, Associate Director
(202) 535-2961  |  [email protected]

The Watershed Protection Division protects and restores District rivers and streams through fostering innovation in, watershed management, planning, education, and community engagement.