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DOEE, in collaboration with the Anacostia Watershed Society, offers the RiverSmart Communities Grant Program to participants on an annual basis.
If you would like more information about our upcoming grant application period or have other questions, contact Matt Reise at [email protected].
Eligible applicants will include 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations and houses of worship. Qualifying projects include the installation of practices that will reduce pollution to local waterways, reduce their stormwater fees, and educate the public about water pollution. While prior RiverSmart Communities grant programs focused primarily on effective stormwater treatment, this year's program heavily emphasizes the community engagement and outreach activities that will accompany the installation of stormwater projects.
RiverSmart programs help to reduce stormwater runoff that harms the District’s waterways and the Chesapeake Bay. RiverSmart programs provide financial incentives to help District property owners install green infrastructure such as rain barrels, green roofs, rain gardens, permeable pavement, shade trees, and more. These practices allow rainwater to stay on site and soak into the ground, where natural processes help remove pollutants. AWS is here to help you learn more about how to install them, and how to qualify for the financial incentives.
Best Management Practices (BMPs) play an essential role in protecting, preserving and restoring our watershed. Rain gardens, BayScapes, permeable pavement and cisterns provide tremendous benefits for our communities, neighborhoods and individual property owners. Every municipality in the watershed is encouraging BMPs and AWS is here to help you learn more and get them installed.