DOEE seeks eligible entities to perform outreach to large parcel landowners to identify tree planting opportunities in the District of Columbia; develop and implement planting plans; maintain newly planted trees; and as appropriate, engage community members and organizations and landholders throughout the process. The amount available for the project is approximately $300,000.00. The deadline for application submissions is June 7, 2017, at 4:30 p.m.
A person may obtain a copy of this RFA by any of the following means:
- Download from the attachments below.
- Email a request to [email protected] with “Request copy of RFA 2017-1716-WPD” in the subject line.
- Write DOEE at 1200 First Street NE, 5th Floor, Washington, DC 20002, “Attn: Luke Cole RE:2017-1716-WPD” on the outside of the envelope.
Eligibility: The following entities may apply for funding:
- Nonprofit organizations, including those with IRS 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) determinations;
- Faith-based organizations; and
- Private Enterprises.
Additional eligibility requirements are described in the full RFA.
For additional information regarding this RFA, write to: [email protected].
An informational meeting/conference call and opportunity for question and answers will be held on May 23, 2017 @1:30 PM. The location of the meeting will be: 1200 First Street NE Washington, DC 20002, Fifth Floor. The call number is (866) 741-7514 and conference code is 2014667
Questions and Answers
Q1: Do the landowners pay for the trees?
A1: No, the cost of tree stock, installation, and maintenance are the responsibility of the grantee, as those funds come from the grant award.
Q2: The RFA mentions community engagement. Is there merely referring to the grantee’s interactions with the homeowner?
A2: At a minimum, homeowner contact will suffice. Ideally, the grantee will canvass a larger swath of the District—including all Wards and socio-economic groups.
Q3: What is the minimum property size on which trees can be planted?
A3: The minimum property size is determined by the number of trees that can be planted on the parcel. Any parcel on which 25 trees can be planted and grown to maturity will satisfy the condition of being a “large parcel.”
Q4: What species of trees can be planted? Is there a size minimum for the trees?
A4: DOEE recommends and prefers that our grantees plant a variety of native tree species, but it is up to the grantee to recommend the best species for the parcel, and it is the parcel owner’s decision as to what species will be planted. We request no seedlings, saplings, or whips, but also require the tree stock not be too large. A trunk caliper of 1”–2.5” is the most appropriate size. We want to encourage rapid growth—which is expected from smaller trees—but minimal shock and root damage—which often occurs with trees that are too large.
Q5: What are the required forms if I am submitting an application?
A5: See section 3.4 of the Request for Applications.
Q6: Does the grantee need to do a line-item budget that reflects every cent that will be spent?
A6: Yes, the grantee must submit a budget that separates proposed project costs into clearly categorized line-items.
Q7: What is the purpose of the budget narrative?
A7: The budget narrative should justify the costs outlined in the proposal and it should explain how you arrived at each of the numbers listed in the numeric budget.
Q8: How does DOEE pay grantees?
A8: DOEE pays grantees on a reimbursement basis.
Q9: What happens if a grantee spends less than the amount awarded?
A9: The applicant should aim to spend according to its proposed application. If the proposed project objectives are achieved under budget, the unspent funds will be deobligated from grantee’s purchase order. If the proposed project objectives are not achieved, unspent funds will be deobligated from grantee’s purchase order.
Q10: What happens if the grantee is unable to plant all the trees or fulfill another requirement in the grant?
A10: If grantee anticipates during the performance period of the grant that it will not be able to meet certain grant requirement, this should be explained to the DOEE program manager and reflected in the reports to DOEE. Depending on the reasons for this, the grantee is jeopardizing receiving future DOEE funding.
Q11: Can potential landowners provide evidence of support in the application?
A11: Yes. See section 3.2 (d) of the Request for Applications for more information on letters of support.