DCRA Permit Types that Require DOEE Review | ||
Addition Alteration Repair | Foundation Only | Shed |
Alteration Repair | Garage | Sheeting and Shoring |
Certificate of Occupancy | Historic Property Special | Soil Boring |
Civil Plans | New Building | Swimming Pool |
Demolition Plans | Raze | Underground Storage Tank |
Excavation Only | Retaining Wall |
Air Pollutant Permit
Asbestos Abatement Permitting
Building Permits are required for new construction or development in the Special Flood Hazard Areas (SFHA). All development projects in SFHA must comply with the Title 12 DCMR - DC Construction Codes and Title 20 DCMR Chapter 31 - Flood Hazard Rules.
Stormwater Management and Erosion and Sediment Control
Land disturbing and renovation projects may require both an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan, and Stormwater Management Plan. Projects must comply with Title 21 DCMR Chapter 5 Stormwater Management Regulations. If you have any questions, please email Julienne Bautista at [email protected].
Green Area Ratio
New development and renovation projects zoned other than R1-R4 may require a Green Area Ratio Plan. Projects must comply with Title 11 of the Zoning Act of 2016. Please consult the latest guidance for the development of a Green Area Ratio Plan. If you have any questions, please email Julienne Bautista at [email protected].
Schedule a Construction Inspection
All land disturbing activity unless specifically exempted from the soil erosion and sedimentation control regulations, require a DCRA building permit. Before the land disturbing activity may begin, the owner, building permit grantee, or designated agent must request a pre-construction meeting. If you have any questions, please consult the Construction Inspection page.
Hazardous Material Management
- Register as a Hazardous Waste Generator
- Underground Storage Tanks - UST and LUST- Permits
- Participate in Voluntary Cleanup Program
- Participate in the Voluntary Remediation Action Program (VRAP)
Lead-Based Paint Accreditation, Certification and Permitting
Renovations or lead-based paint abatements in buildings built before 1978 may require a Lead Renovation or Lead Abatement Permit. Regardless of whether a permit is required, projects must comply with the Lead Hazard Prevention and Elimination Act and Regulations, which may require individuals or firms to be certified by DOEE before performing lead-based paint activities. Residential or child-occupied facilities built before 1978 must comply with EPA's Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting Rule (RRP). If you have questions about whether your project requires a permit, contact [email protected]. If you have questions about individual and business certification to conduct lead-based paint activities, including renovations, contact [email protected].
Mold Assessment, Remediation, & Licensing
Pesticide Permitting and Licensing
Water Quality Permitting and Section 401 Certifications
- Certification of dredge and fill permits issued by Corps of Engineers.
- Certification of general and individual NPDES permits issued by EPA. For more information please go to the following EPA websites:
- Pesticide General Permit [PDF]
- NPDES Recources for Permits
- Public Notices for water quality related permits. To view current public notices please go to the following websites:
- NPDES Public notices, EPA
- Corps of Engineers Public Notices
Wetland and Stream Permitting
Any proposed activity within, under, or above a wetland or stream must get a permit in accordance with 21 DCMR Chapters 25 (Critical Area - General Rules) and 26 (Critical Area - Wetlands and Streams). Read more at Wetlands and Streams in the District.
Groundwater Discharge in MS4
All discharges of groundwater to the District's MS4 must first get a Groundwater Discharge Authorization letter to ensure compliance with the Clean Water Act and the District's MS4 NPDES permit with EPA. Contact [email protected] for more information.
Wells and Soil Borings
All Wells and Soil Borings must get a permit in accordance with DC Municipal Regulations 21 DCMR Chapter 18. See Well and Boring Permits for more information.
Remediation and Site Response