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Notice of Final Publication - Erosion and Sediment Control Manual and Field Handbook

Thursday, October 26, 2017


DOEE has finalized the Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Manual. The ESC Manual updates and modernizes the 2003 Erosion and Sediment Control Specifications. The ESC Field Handbook is a handheld abbreviated version of the manual designed for on-site construction reference. The public is now able to download or purchase a copy of the ESC Manual and the ESC Field Handbook.

The manual provides guidance for erosion and sediment Control permitting, Water Quality Division review and any requirements from the 2013 Stormwater Rule in Title 21 of the DCMR, Chapter 5; revises the list of standards and specifications to current practices used in construction; updates the Stream Protection chapter to reflect practices used by the Planning and Restoration Branch; updates vegetation lists to be consistent with other publications from the Natural Resources Administration: Wildlife Action Plan; updates planning and permitting requirements from the Water Quality Division and the Stormwater Guidebook; and updates tree protection standard and detail added to be consistent with and support the goals of the Urban Forestry Division within the District Department of Transportation.

The ESC Field Handbook is an abbreviated waterproof guide to the most commonly used ESC practices. The handbook dimensions are seven inches by four inches thereby allowing easy storage and providing a quick access to ESC guidance on construction sites.

The full text of the ESC Manual and ESC Field Handbook are available online below in the attachments section. A person may obtain a copy of the ESC Manual and/or ESC Field Handbook by any of the following means:

Obtain an electronic version of the ESC Manual and/or ESC Field Handbook at the following website: or attached below.

Purchase a copy in person at the DOEE Station located at the DCRA Permit Center, 1100 4th Street SW, Washington, DC 20024 during normal business hours.

For more information contact Julienne Bautista at [email protected] with a subject line of “ESC Manual and/or ESC Field Handbook.”