Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to 20 DCMR §210, the Air Quality Division (AQD) of the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE), located at 1200 First Street NE, 5th Floor, Washington, DC, is announcing its intention to hold a public hearing on the subject of a draft air quality permit (No. 7193) proposed for issuance to Roubin & Janeiro, Inc., to construct and operate a McCloskey R155 High Energy Screener with up to three integral conveyors, powered by a 129 hp Caterpillar C4.4 diesel-fired engine, at 4901 Shepherd Parkway SW, Washington DC 20032.
Public comment was previously taken from March 23, 2018 through April 23, 2018. During that comment period a request for a public hearing was submitted. DOEE is granting this public hearing request and is scheduling a public hearing on this matter.
Information on the draft permit and the original public comment period can be found at: Draft Air Quality Permit 7193 - Roubin & Janeiro Inc.
The public hearing at which interested parties may present comments to be included in the record will be held as follows:
Public Hearing
HEARING DATE: Monday, September 17, 2018
TIME: 5:00 pm
Department of Energy and Environment
1200 First Street NE, 5th Floor
Washington DC 20002
NoMa-Gallaudet University (Red Line) Metro Stop
All persons present at the hearing who wish to be heard may testify in person. All presentations shall be limited to five minutes. Persons are urged to submit paper or electronic copies of any written statements.
All relevant comments will be considered before taking final action on the permit application.
For more information, please contact Stephen S. Ours at (202) 535-1747.