DOEE invites the public to comment on the Draft Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 Project Priority Lists (PPLs) for the District of Columbia’s Clean Water Construction Grants Program. Comments can be given in writing, by email, or at a virtual public hearing. The PPLs identify and rank projects eligible to receive federal funds to construct or improve green infrastructure, wastewater treatment facilities, and other related infrastructure in FY 2021 and in future years.
The draft PPLs can be downloaded from the attachments section below. A copy can also be emailed upon request. Please email [email protected] to arrange for email to you or for pick-up at DOEE (7th Floor, 1200 First Street, NE, Washington DC 20002). Look for or ask for “Draft PPL List FY 2021”.
Public Hearing
HEARING DATE: August 10, 2020 (Monday)
TIME: 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
Meeting number: 160 250 5900
Password: publicmeeting
JOIN BY PHONE: 1-650-479-3208 Call-in toll number (US/Canada)
Access code: 160 250 5900
Persons may submit written testimony by email, with a subject line of “PPL Public Hearing 2021,” to the attention of Samantha Gross at [email protected]. All comments should be received no later than the conclusion of the public hearing.
Persons present at the hearing who wish to be heard may testify. All presentations shall be limited to five minutes. Presenters are urged to submit written statements. In the notice publishing its final PPL, DOEE will consider all comments received.