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Notice of Public Comment Period - Draft LIHEAP State Plan FY24

Friday, August 18, 2023

DOEE invites the public to present its comments in writing or at a virtual public hearing on the FY24 Draft State Plan for the Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP).

The Public Hearing will be held on Friday, August  18, 2023 at 11:30 am, and can be accessed via virtual meeting link:

Meeting number: 2302 830 4127
Password: public


By Phone: +1-202-860-2110,
Access Code: 2302 830 4127

The deadline for comments is at the conclusion of the public hearing. All persons present at the hearing who wish to be heard may testify at the virtual public hearing. All presentations shall be limited to five minutes. Presenters are urged to submit written copies of their statements.

Persons may also submit written testimony by email, with a subject line of “FY24 Draft LIHEAP State Plan”, to Comments clearly marked “FY24 Draft LIHEAP State Plan” may also be mailed to the Department’s offices at the address listed above. All comments should be received no later than the conclusion of the public hearing. The Department will consider all comments received in its final decision.