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RFI - Department of Energy Loan Program Office: Clean Energy Financing Program

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Notice of Request for Information (RFI)
U.S. Department of Energy Loan Program Office: Title 17 Clean Energy Financing Program

DOEE is requesting input from interested parties in the District of Columbia (“the District”) to identify potential opportunities for financing under the U.S. Department of Energy Loan Program Office’s (LPO) State Energy Financing Institution (SEFI) program to inform DOEE program design and policy making.

This Request for Information (RFI) seeks responses from clean energy project developers, asset owners, or other institutions looking to decarbonize their operations, financial institutions, and other relevant parties to:

1. Inform the design of financing efforts or other related activities led by DOEE, other instrumentalities of District Government, or other relevant government authorities operating within the District of Columbia that support decarbonization efforts within the District of Columbia.

2. To solicit initial feedback on the potential use of state funds from an established SEFI to implement the goals of DOEE and District Government, while leveraging federal financing from LPO. Specifically, input is requested that can inform how to best leverage the DOE LPO SEFI-Supported category of the Title 17 Clean Energy Financing Program. Through this program LPO can augment state-administered clean energy programs providing additional financial support to projects that align federal energy priorities with those of U.S. states like the District.

This document is a Request for Information (RFI) only – it is not being posted as an actual statement of work (SOW) at this time, nor does it constitute a Request for Proposal (RFP) or Request for Application (RFA) or a promise to issue an RFP or RFA in the future. Respondents are advised that DOEE will not pay for any information or administrative costs incurred in response to this RFI; all costs associated with responding to this RFI will be solely at the interested party’s expense. Not responding to this RFI does not preclude participation in any future RFP or RFA.

A person may obtain a copy of this RFI by any of the following means:

- Download from the attachments section below

- Email a request to [email protected] with “RE: LPO RFI” in the subject line.

The period for RFI responses is open-ended. Responses should be submitted via email to [email protected] with the subject line “DOEE LPO RFI Response”.