UPDATE: Notice of Extension of Public Comment Period
Notice of Public Hearing and Public Comment Period
Draft Air Quality Permit 6451-R2 – Virginia Concrete Company, LLC dba Vulcan Materials Company, 2 S Street SW
Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to 20 DCMR §210, the Air Quality Division (AQD) of the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE), located at 1200 First Street NE, 5th Floor, Washington, DC, is proposing to issue permit No. 6451-R2 to Virginia Concrete Company, LLC, dba Vulcan Materials Company, to continue to operate an existing ready mix concrete batch plant and associated appurtenances, located at 2 S St. SW, Washington DC. The contact person for the facility is Glenn Cobb, Manager, Government Affairs and Community Relations, at (202) 281-8483.
Based on the emission calculations provided by the facility, the ready mix concrete batch plant has the potential to emit the following when producing the maximum allowable concrete specified in the draft permit (300,000 cubic yards in any 12-consecutive-month period):
Pollutant |
Maximum Annual Emissions (tons/yr) |
Total Particulate Matter (PM Total) |
5.78 |
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) |
0.01 |
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) |
1.2 |
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) |
0.07 |
Carbon Monoxide (CO) |
1.01 |
The proposed emission limits are as follows:
- Emissions of dust shall be minimized in accordance with the requirements of 20 DCMR 605 and the “Operational Limitations” of this permit.
- The emission of fugitive dust from any material handling, screening, crushing, grinding, conveying, mixing, or other industrial-type operation or process is prohibited. [20 DCMR 605.2]
- The discharge of total suspended particulate matter into the atmosphere from any process shall not exceed three hundredths (0.03) grains per dry standard cubic foot of the exhaust. [20 DCMR 603.1]
- The discharge of total suspended particulate matter from the ready-mix concrete batch plant shall not exceed 40 pounds per hour. [20 DCMR 603.1 and Appendix 6-1]
- Emissions of total suspended particulate matter from the baghouse dust collector controlling emissions from the drum shall not exceed 1.3 pounds per hour. [20 DCMR 201]
- Total suspended particulate matter emissions from the boiler shall not exceed 0.13 pounds per million BTU of heat input. [20 DCMR 600.1].
- Visible emissions shall not be emitted from the equipment covered by this permit except that discharges shall be permitted for two (2) minutes during any startup, cleaning, adjustment of combustion or operational controls, or regeneration of emissions control equipment; provided, that such discharges shall not exceed the following opacities (unaveraged) for each of the following stationary sources [20 DCMR 606.1 and 606.2]:
1. Fuel-burning equipment burning natural gas (the 2.8 MMBTU/hr natural gas-fired boiler), twenty percent (20%);
2. All other stationary sources at the plant, twenty-seven percent (27%).
- An emission into the atmosphere of odorous or other air pollutants from any source in any quantity and of any characteristic, and duration which is, or is likely to be injurious to the public health or welfare, or which interferes with the reasonable enjoyment of life or property is prohibited. [20 DCMR 903.1]
Violation of the requirements of this condition that occur as a result of unavoidable malfunction, despite the conscientious employment of control practices, shall be an affirmative defense for which the owner or operator shall bear the burden of proof. A malfunction shall not be considered unavoidable if the owner or operator could have taken, but did not take, appropriate steps to eliminate the malfunction within a reasonable time, as determined by the Department. [20 DCMR 903.13(b)]
The application to operate an existing ready mix concrete batch plant and the draft permit and supporting documents are available for public inspection at AQD and copies may be made available between the hours of 8:15 am and 4:45 pm Monday through Friday. Interested parties wishing to view these documents should provide their names, addresses, telephone numbers and affiliation, if any, to Stephen S. Ours at (202) 498-8143. Copies of the draft permit and related technical support memorandum are also available in the attachments section below.
Interested parties may submit written comments on this subject within 33 days of publication of this notice. The written comments must also include the person’s name, telephone number, affiliation, if any, mailing address and a statement outlining the air quality issues in dispute and any facts underscoring those air quality issues.
A hybrid public hearing at which interested parties may present comments will also be held as follows:
Public Hearing:
HEARING DATE: Wednesday, June 26, 2024
TIME: 5:30 PM
IN-PERSON LOCATION: Southwest Library, 900 Wesley Place SW, Washington DC 20024
In-person attendees are encouraged to arrive 10 minutes early to allow time to be directed to the meeting room.
Hosted by DOEE Meetings
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Wednesday, June 26, 2024 5:30 pm | (UTC-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)
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All persons attending the hearing, either in person or virtually, who wish to be heard may testify at the hearing. All presentations shall be limited to five minutes. Persons testifying are urged to submit paper or electronic copies of any written statements.
All relevant comments will be considered before taking final action on the permit application.
Written comments on the proposed permit should be addressed to:
Stephen S. Ours
Chief, Permitting Branch - Air Quality Division
Department of Energy and Environment
1200 First Street NE, 5th Floor
Washington, DC 20002
No comments submitted after June 26, 2024 will be accepted.
For more information, please contact Stephen S. Ours at (202) 498-8143 or stephen.ours@dc.gov except from June 17 through June 21, 2024, please contact Hannah Ashenafi at (202) 281-7485 or hannah.ashenafi@dc.gov.