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Residential Kitchen and Lavatory Faucets

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To ensure ease of certification of products in this category, please certify with Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP)  State Appliance Standards Database (SASD). Please see the section “SASD Manufacturer Access Instructions.”

Residential kitchen and lavatory faucets, and public lavatory faucets [link to 8-1771.03(b)(2B)(A-C) tba]

  • Definitions:
    • "Faucet" [link to 8-1771.01(4A)tba] means a lavatory faucet, kitchen faucet, metering faucet, public lavatory faucet, or replacement aerator for a lavatory, public lavatory, or kitchen faucet.
    • "Metering faucet" [link to 8-1771.01(7A)tba] means a fitting that, when turned on, will gradually shut itself off over a period of several seconds.
    • "Public lavatory faucet" [link to 8-1771.01(8A)tba] means a fitting intended to be installed in nonresidential bathrooms that are exposed to walk-in traffic.
    • "Replacement aerator" [link to 8-1771.01(8B)tba] means an aerator sold as a replacement, separate from the faucet to which it is intended to be attached.
  • Standards [link to 8-1771.03(b)(2B)(A-C)tba]:
    • Manufactured and tested in accordance with Appendix S to Subpart B of Part 430 of Title 10 of the Code of Federal Regulations, titled "Uniform Test Method for Measuring the Water Consumption of Faucets and Showerheads", as in effect on January 3, 2017.
    • Lavatory faucets and replacement aerators shall not exceed a maximum flow rate of 1.5 gallons per minute ("gpm") at 60 pounds per square inch ("psi").
    • Residential kitchen faucets and replacement aerators shall not exceed a maximum flow rate of 1.8 gpm at 60 psi, with optional temporary flow of 2.2 gpm, provided they default to a maximum flow rate of 1.8 gpm at 60 psi after each use.
    • Public lavatory faucets and replacement aerators shall not exceed a maximum flow rate of 0.5 gpm at 60 psi.
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