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Appliance Efficiency Standards - Commercial Kitchen Equipment

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To ensure ease of certification of products in this category, please certify with Northeast Energy Efficiency Partnerships (NEEP)  State Appliance Standards Database (SASD). Please see the section “SASD Manufacturer Access Instructions.”

Commercial Dishwashers

  • Definition: "Commercial dishwasher"[link to 8-1771.01(2B) tba] means a machine designed to clean and sanitize plates, pots, pans, glasses, cups, bowls, utensils, and trays by applying sprays of detergent solution (with or without blasting media granules) and a sanitizing rinse.
  • For testing and certification: Commercial dishwashers [link to 8-1771.03(b)(1B)] included in the scope of the ENERGY STAR Program Requirements Product Specification for Commercial Dishwashers, Version 2.0, shall meet the qualification criteria of that specification.

Commercial Fryers

  • Definition: "Commercial fryer" [link to 8-1771.01(2C) tba] means an appliance, including a cooking vessel, in which oil is placed to such a depth that the cooking food is essentially supported by displacement of the cooking fluid rather than by the bottom of the vessel. The term "commercial fryer" includes electric fryers, where heat is delivered to the cooking fluid by means of an immersed electric element of band-wrapped vessel, and gas fryers, where heat is transferred from gas burners through either the walls of the fryer or through tubes passing through the cooking fluid.
  • For testing and certification: Commercial fryers [link to 8-1771.03(b)(1C) tba] included in the scope of the ENERGY STAR Program Requirements Product Specification for Commercial Fryers, Version 2.0, shall meet the qualification criteria of that specification.

Commercial Hot Food Holding Cabinets

  • “Commercial hot food holding cabinet” [link to8-1771.01(3) tba] means a heated, fully-enclosed compartment with one or more solid or glass doors that is designed to maintain the temperature of hot food that has been cooked in a separate appliance. The term “commercial hot food holding cabinet” shall not include heated glass merchandizing cabinets, drawer warmers, or cook-and-hold appliances.
  • For testing and certification: Commercial hot food holding cabinets [link to 8-1771.03(b)(2)] shall have a maximum idle energy rate not exceeding 40 watts per cubic foot of interior volume, as determined by the “idle energy rate-dry test” in ASTM F2140-01, “Standard Test Method for Performance of Hot Food Holding Cabinets” published by ASTM International. Interior volume shall be measured in accordance with the method shown in the Environmental Protection Agency’s “Energy Star Program Requirements for Commercial Hot Food Holding Cabinets” as in effect on August 15, 2003.

Commercial Steam Cookers

  • "Commercial steam cooker" [link to 8-1771.01(3A) tba] means a device with one or more food-steaming compartments in which the energy in the steam is transferred to the food by direct contact. The term "commercial steam cooker" includes countertop models, wall-mounted models, and floor models mounted on a stand, pedestal, or cabinet-style base.
  • For testing and certification: Commercial steam cookers [link to 8-1771.03(b)(2A) tba] shall meet the requirements of the ENERGY STAR Program Requirements Product Specification for Commercial Steam Cookers, Version 1.2.
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