Request for Applications (RFA)
Sustainable DC Environmental Literacy Project (RFA 2014-1403-WPD)
The District of Columbia District Department of the Environment (“DDOE”) is seeking nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations, or educational institutions to coordinate the planning and facilitation of a teacher training summer institute for environmental literacy, working closely with DDOE and the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE). The amount available for the project in this RFA is approximately $104,000. This amount is subject to continuing availability of funding and approval by the appropriate agencies.
Obtaining text of the RFA: The full text of this Request for Applications (RFA), and the three required attachments, are available as links at the bottom of this page. Additionally, a person may obtain a copy of this RFA by any of the following methods:
- Email a request to [email protected] with “Request copy of RFA 2014-1403-WPD” in the subject line;
- In person by making an appointment to pick up a copy from DDOE's offices at the 5th floor reception desk at the following street address (call Grace Manubay at 202-535-1844 and mention this RFA by name); or
- Write DDOE at 1200 First Street, N.E., 5th Floor, Washington, DC 20002, “Attn: Request copy of “RFA 2014-1403-WPD” on the outside of the letter.
The deadline for application submissions is April 4, 2014, at 4:30 p.m. Five hard copies must be submitted to the above address and a complete electronic copy must be e-mailed to [email protected].
RFA Contact: For additional information regarding this RFA, send an email to [email protected].
Questions & Answers:
Q: I am unclear about the number of grants that may be awarded under this RFA. Is it one grant for $104,000 or will $104,000 be divided between the proposals receiving the highest scores from the Review Committee?
A: There is $104,000 available for one project (see pages 4 and 19 of the RFA).
Q: Must an eligible proposal have as its target audience be the teachers in the summer training institute or can other target audiences and environmental literacy programs be considered?
A: The target audience for the summer institute is the Science Educator Leadership Cadre, a cohort of 40 teachers, which will be established by the Office of the State Superintendent of Education (see pages 22-21 of the RFA). An applicant's proposal may make the case that there are additional audiences who will benefit from the summer institute.
Q: Is the $104,000 available for funding going to be awarded to just one grantee, or will the funds be split among different organizations in support of this project? For example, can an organization apply for $30,000 of the $104,000 to support their program or does the entire $104,000 need to be applied for?
A: The funding will be awarded to one grantee for one project up to $104,000 (see pages 4 and 19 of the RFA). Funds can be split among different organizations if an applicant forms partnerships with other organizations to provide contractual services directly associated with the project. Applications should have a letter of support from partnering organizations (see page 13 of the RFA).