Request for Applications (RFA)
Demonstration Projects and Monitoring Activities Related to Nonpoint Source Pollution (RFA 2014-1406-WPD)
The District of Columbia District Department of the Environment (“DDOE”) is seeking nonprofit organizations, faith-based organizations, educational institutions, universities and private enterprises to monitor stormwater runoff, assess stream health, and install practices to manage stormwater. The amount available for the project in this RFA is approximately $574,000. This amount is subject to continuing availability of funding and approval by the appropriate agencies.
Obtaining text of the RFA: The full text of this Request for Applications (RFA), and the three required attachments, are available as links at the bottom of this page. Additionally, a person may obtain a copy of this RFA by any of the following methods:
- Email a request to [email protected] with “Request copy of RFA 2014-1406-WPD” in the subject line;
- In person by making an appointment to pick up a copy from DDOE's offices at the 5th floor reception desk at the following street address (call Stephen Reiling at 202-442-7700 and mention this RFA by name); or
- Write DDOE at 1200 First Street, NE, 5th Floor, Washington, DC 20002, “Attn: Request copy of “RFA 2014-1406-WPD” on the outside of the letter.
The deadline for application submissions is June 6, 2014, at 5:00 p.m. Five hard copies must be submitted to the above address and a complete electronic copy must be e-mailed to [email protected].
RFA Contact: For additional information regarding this RFA, send an email to [email protected].
Questions & Answers:
Q: Does an unincorporated non-profit need a W-9 to apply for the grant?
A: All applicants must submit a completed W-9.
Q: Does an applicant need to have insurance secured before the grant application is submitted for the youth program or can it be secured after?
A: The successful applicant must secure the required insurances upon accepting the award, before the start of work.
Q: Are private enterprises allowed to apply for the LID-GI grant funding? There is some conflicting language in the RFA.
A: For Project 1: Innovative Low Impact Development (LID)-Green Infrastructure (GI) Technologies Feasibility & Demonstration Program (FY14), which specifies eligibility for nonprofit applicants only, a private entity can partner with a nonprofit in the application.
Q: Section 5.1(d) doesn’t appear applicable to private for profit companies. Please advise on how to respond.
A: Section 5.1(d) applies to non-profit organizations. Simply include a statement that the applicant organization is a for-profit company and therefore is not required to submit this letter.
Q: Regarding Section 5.1(e), as a small for-profit company we do not have, nor have we ever developed annual budgets per se. Please advise how to respond.
A: DDOE needs assurance that the applicant has sufficient capacity to fulfill the requirements of the grant; hence submission of a current fiscal year budget is required. Please note that the reference to Appendix 2 in section 5.1(e) is incorrect as it refers to the project budget. In addition, certain information can be blacked-out for the purpose of confidentiality.
Q: Section 5.1(f) – This information is typically not provided, but can be submitted as confidential business information. It is preferred if needed that this information be submitted separately in a sealed envelope and sent directly to the RFA point of contact (with reference to the application submittal).
A: Applicants must submit the financial statements along with the application; however, if the applicant wishes these to be confidential, this information will only be shared with the review panel. Members of the review panel are required to sign confidentiality agreements, so this information can be discussed only with the panel, during the application review. This information will be kept with the RFA record, but it is considered confidential. This information is not subject to the Freedom of Information Act. Additionally, names of clients and partners identified by name in these documents can also be blacked-out.
Q: If any elements are required, please confirm they are not part of the 15-page proposal limit (also if required cover page is/isn’t part of the limit).
A: All elements are required and are not part of the 15-page proposal limit. The cover page is not part of the limit either.
Q: Must the trainee be paid during their initial training/orientation time and if yes, can the initial hourly be reduced to a living stipend during this time as to incentivize the certification?
A: The trainees may work for stipend during the initial training/orientation time, which is considered to be approximately 30 hours, or two weeks, assuming a work week of 15 hours. After that period, the trainee must be paid no less than the DC living wage of $12.50 per hour.
Q: Once the 100 hickey run rain barrels are installed by the two trainees, will there be any issues with the trainees installing RiverSmart barrels since we are currently operating on a RiverSmart Homes Grant?
A: There are no issues with the trainees installing rain barrels under the existing RiverSmart Homes grant upon completion of the activities specified by this RFA.