Grants for the Low Income Energy Efficiency and Conservation Programs - Second Request
The District Department of the Environment (“DDOE”) is seeking eligible entities, as defined below, to install energy efficiency measures in more than 300 units per year, depending on funding availability. A successful applicant will assist DDOE in achieving this objective by installing approved energy efficiency measures in low income households and providing energy savings information to occupants. Energy efficiency improvements include energy-audit recommended measures, HVAC repair or replacement, and directly related measures. The total amount available for this RFA is approximately $1,200,000.00. The amount is subject to continuing availability of funding and approval by the appropriate agencies.
Obtaining text of the RFA: The full text of this Request for Applications (RFA), and the three required attachments, are available as links at the bottom of this page. Additionally, a person may obtain a copy of this RFA by any of the following methods:
Email a request to [email protected] with “Request copy of RFA 2014-1415-EECP” in the subject line;
Pick up a copy in person from the DDOE reception desk, located at 1200 First Street NE, 5th Floor, Washington, DC 20002 (call LaWanda Jones at (202) 671-1757 to make an appointment and mention this RFA by name); or
Write DDOE at 1200 First Street NE, 5th Floor, Washington, DC 20002, “Attn: LaWanda Jones RE:2014-1415-EECP” on the outside of the letter.
The deadline for application submissions is 12/1/2014 at 4:30 p.m. Five hard copies must be submitted to the above address and a complete electronic copy must be e-mailed to [email protected].
Eligibility: All institutions below may apply for these grants:
- Nonprofit organizations, including those with IRS 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) determinations;
- Faith-based organizations;
- Government agencies; and
- Universities/educational institutions.
Available Funding: The total amount available for this RFA is approximately $1,200,000.00. The amount is subject to continuing availability of funding and approval by the appropriate agencies.
For additional information regarding this RFA, please contact DDOE as instructed in the RFA document, at [email protected].