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DC Residents Can Apply For Energy Assistance Beginning in October

Friday, September 29, 2006

On Tuesday, October 31, 2006, the DDOE Energy Office, along with the Public Service Commission, the People's Counsel and the four DC utilities--PEPCO, Washington Gas, WASA and Verizon--will sponsor a Joint Utility Discount Day (JUDD) at the DC Convention Center. The convention center is located at 801 Mt. Vernon Place, NW. For a full day, low-income DC residents will have an opportunity to apply for financial assistance with their energy bills as well as take advantage of home weatherization services and discounts offered by the four utilities.

Elizabeth Berry, acting director of DDOE, said, "Rising energy prices seem to be affecting us all. But we realize that our low-income residents are hardest hit, so we plan events like JUDD to give them an opportunity to apply for help." Berry went on to say, "Over 7,000 people are expected to come. Staff members representing all of the sponsors will be available to assist as many residents as possible." No appointments are necessary to apply for energy assistance at JUDD.

All DC residents in need are encouraged to apply on October 31 at the DC Convention Center from 8 am to 7 pm. Residents whose service has already been terminated may come to the DDOE Energy Office beginning Monday, October 2 with the required documents. Residents may also apply for assistance beginning November 20 at the DDOE Energy Office located at 2000 14th Street, NW, 2nd floor. Please call the DDOE Energy Hotline to schedule an appointment.

To schedule an appointment or for complete information, call the DDOE Energy Hotline at (202) 673-6750.