Notice Requesting Public Comment on Draft Title V and Chapter 2 Air Quality Operating Permit for U.S. Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Engraving and Printing
Notice is hereby given that U.S. Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Engraving and Printing has applied for a Title V air quality permit pursuant to the requirements of Title 20 of the District of Columbia Municipal Regulations, Chapters 2 and 3 (20 DCMR Chapters 2 and 3) to operate the following equipment at its facility located at 14th and C Streets SW, Washington DC:
Emission Units |
Emission Unit ID |
Equipment No., Area |
Emission Unit Name |
Ch. 2 Permit1 |
Description |
02-2 |
201, Section 2 |
Giori I-10 |
6974 |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset Intaglio Cylinder Wipe Currency Press Located at Main Building, Basement A Wing, Installed 1999 |
02-2 |
202, Section 2 |
Giori I-10 |
6975 |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset Intaglio Cylinder Wipe Currency Press Located at Main Building, Basement A Wing, Installed 1999 |
02-2 |
110, Section 10 |
Giori I-10 |
6976 |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset Intaglio Cylinder Wipe Currency Press Located at Main Building, Basement C Wing, Installed 2000 |
02-2 |
210, Section10 |
Giori I-10 |
6977 |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset Intaglio Cylinder Wipe Currency Press Located at Main Building, Basement C Wing, Installed 2000 |
02-4 |
901, Section 9 |
6581-R1 |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset Cylinder Wipe Intaglio SOI Located at M-100-C, Installed 2006 |
02-4 |
902, Section 9 |
Super Orlof |
6582-R1 |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset Cylinder Wipe Intaglio SOI Located at M-100-C, Installed 2006 |
02-4 |
601, Section 6 |
Super Orlof |
6706-R1 |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset Cylinder Wipe Intaglio SOI Located at M-400-C, Installed 2009 |
02-4 |
602, Section 6 |
Super Orlof |
6707-R1 |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset Cylinder Wipe Intaglio SOI Located at M-400-C, Installed 2009 |
08-1 |
013, COPE |
Giori COPE Pak |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset Letterpress, Located M-200-B, Installed 1998 |
08-1 |
014, COPE |
Giori COPE Pak |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset Letterpress, Located M-200-B, Installed 1997 |
08-1 |
015, COPE |
Giori COPE Pak |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset Letterpress, Located M-200-B, Installed 1997 |
08-1 |
016, COPE |
Giori COPE Pak |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset Letterpress, Located M-200-B, Installed 1985 |
08-1 |
019, COPE |
Giori COPE Pak |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset Letterpress, Located A-300-M, Installed 1987 |
08-1 |
023, COPE |
Giori COPE Pak |
6947 |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset Letterpress, Located M-100-A, Moved to this facility from Western Currency Facility and Installed 2017 |
08-3 |
None, LEPE |
LEPE Press (formerly SCOPE) |
6574-R1 |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset Letterpress, Located A-400-M, Installed 2012 |
09 |
203, Section 2 |
Simultan |
6739 |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset Offset Lithographic Press, Located M-BSMT-A, Installed 1999 |
09 |
310, Section 10 |
Simultan |
6373-R1 |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset Offset Lithographic Press, Located M-BSMT-C, Installed. 2001 |
09 |
903, Section 9 |
Simultan |
6374-R1 |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset Offset Lithographic Press, Located M-100-C, Installed 2002 |
11-1 |
113, 1 |
Carver hand die stamp |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset, Paper Wipe Intaglio, Located at M-325-A, Installed 1951 |
11-1 |
114, 1 |
Carver hand die stamp |
Sheet-fed HS & Non-Heatset Paper Wipe Intaglio, Located M-325-A, Installed 1951 |
11-1 |
115, 1 |
Miehle 4-plateflatbed |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset, Paper Wipe Intaglio, Located at M-325-A, Installed 1954 |
11-1 |
116, 1 |
Cronite die stamp Hi Speed |
Sheet-fed HS & Non-Heatset Paper Wipe Intaglio, Located M-325-A, Installed 1992 |
11-1 |
117, 1 |
Hand press |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset, Paper Wipe Intaglio, Located at M-325-A, Installed 1951 |
11-1 |
118, 1 |
Hand press |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset, Paper Wipe Intaglio, Located at M-325-A, Installed 1951 |
11-1 |
119, 1 |
Elephant press |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset, Paper Wipe Intaglio, Located at M-325-A, Installed 2003 |
11-1 |
None, Research & Development (R&D) Center |
KBA Giori Mini Orlof II Research press |
6338-R1 |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset, Cylinder Wipe Intaglio SOI, Located at M-100-A, Installed 2010 |
11-2 |
061, Flatbed |
Heidelberg job press |
Job press, Located at M-300-B, Installed 1968 |
11-2 |
062, Flatbed |
Kluge job press |
Job press Located at M-300-B, Installed 1968 |
11-2 |
076, Flatbed |
Miller SW letterpress |
SW letterpress, Located at M-300-B, Installed 1952 |
11-2 |
077, Flatbed |
Miller SW letterpress |
SW letterpress, Located at M-300-B, Installed 1952 |
11-3 |
034, S-OFFSET |
Ryobi 3302M |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset, Offset Lithographic press, Located at M-300-B, Installed 1992 |
11-3 |
044, S-OFFSET |
Heidelberg Speedmaster |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset, Offset Lithographic press, Located at M-300-B, Installed 1998 |
11-3 |
None, S-OFFSET |
GTO Heidelberg |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset, Offset Lithographic press, Located at M-100-A, Installed 2003 |
11-3 |
None, S-OFFSET |
Komori Offset Lithographic press |
6589-R1 |
Sheet-fed Non-Heatset, Cylinder Wipe Intaglio, Located at M-300-B, Installed 2012 |
11-5 |
None, Carpentry Shop |
Paint Shop |
Paint Shop |
12 |
None, Freight Building |
Emergency Generator (#1) |
6404-R1 |
MTU Onsite Energy 1000-XC6DT2, Located at Freight Building, Installed in 2011 |
12 |
None, Freight Building |
Emergency Generator (#2) |
6405-R1 |
MTU Onsite Energy 1000-XC6DT2, Located at Freight Building, Installed in 2011 |
12 |
None, M-019 |
Main Building Fire Pump |
Patterson Model 8x8 MI, Located M-019, Installed 1996 |
13-4-Cr |
None, D-200 |
Dalmar Chromium Plating Line |
6378 |
Dalmar Chromium Plating Line (including 3 Chrome Plating tanks), with a control device 13-4-Cr, Located D-200, Installed 2009 |
13-5-Ni |
None, D-200 |
Dalmar Nickel Plating Line |
6377 |
Dalmar Nickel Plating Line, with a control device 13-5-Ni, Located D-200, Installed 2009 |
14 |
None, M-BSMT Between A&B |
Central Trim System |
Central Trim System, with dual Mactiflo 4MTF80 baghouse control device 14-CTS Located at M-BSMT between A&B, Installed 1997 |
15 |
None, Annex 1st Floor & Basement |
Ink Manufacturing |
Ink Manufacturing and Solids Handling with RotoClone control device 15-WDC, Located in Annex 1st Floor & Basement, Installed 1996 |
1 The Chapter 2 permits listed are those being incorporated into this Title V permit that have been issued since the previous Title V permit was issued on August 27, 2001. Those units with no Chapter 2 permit listed were in the older Title V permit.
In addition to the above, the facility operates the following miscellaneous/insignificant sources:
- Miscellaneous chemical use and miscellaneous cleaning sources including the following:
- Several small laboratory fume hoods and laboratory fugitive emissions;
- Photoengraving;
- Bench-scale laboratory equipment used for physical or chemical analysis (not including aforementioned laboratory fume hoods or vents;
- Design and engraving of master proofs and dies for intaglio printing;
- Janitorial services and consumer use of janitorial products;
- Manufacture of PVC coated rollers for inking in and wiping tests;
- Calibration and maintenance of laboratory equipment or other analytical equipment;
- Storage of inks and raw materials, which must be stored in closed containers;
- Storage, drum preparation, and QC testing of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes; and
- Miscellaneous clean-up operations;
- Printing support operations, fugitive emissions from ink reconstitution/mill, ink jet, roller recovery, engraving
- Carpentry shop operations;
- Masonry shop operations;
- Electric shop operations;
- Plumbing shop operations;
- Sheet metal shop operations;
- Electro-machinist shop operations;
- Machine shop operations;
- Brazing, soldering, and welding equipment, and cutting torches related to manufacturing and construction activities that do not result in emissions of HAP metals;
- Laser trimmers which shall use dust collection equipment to minimize fugitive dust emissions;
- Processing, testing, inspection, and shredding of paper inside building in facilities with no externally ducted emissions point;
- Processing of photographic films for proofs and offset printing;
- Degreasing equipment using only solvents with zero VOC content as measured by EPA reference method 24;
- Mixing of concrete;
- Pretreatment of wastewater from electroplating operations;
- Pretreatment of Dalmar wiping solution from printing processes;
- Firing range where only lead-free bullets shall be used;
- Cooling towers; and
20. Natural gas-fired kitchen equipment.
The contact person for the facility is Mr. David Kaczka, Manager, Environmental Compliance, Office of Environment, Health & Safety (OEHS), at (202) 874-2107.
The U.S. Department of the Treasury, Bureau of Engraving and Printing has the potential to emit (PTE) the following air pollutants:
Pollutants |
Potential Emissions |
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) |
0.03 |
Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) |
7.07 |
Total Particulate Matter (PM Total) |
2.39 |
Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) |
82.28 |
Carbon Monoxide (CO) |
0.60 |
Total Hazardous Air Pollutants (HAP) |
3.68 |
The PTE of 82.28 tons per year (TPY) of volatile organic compounds (VOC) exceeds the major source threshold in the District of Columbia of 25 TPY of VOC. No other major source thresholds are exceeded based on the above potential emissions. Because potential emissions of VOC exceed the relevant major source threshold, pursuant to 20 DCMR 300.1(a), the source is subject to Chapter 3 and must obtain an operating permit in accordance with that regulation and Title V of the federal Clean Air Act.
The Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) has reviewed the permit application and related documents and has made a preliminary determination that the applicant meets all applicable air quality requirements promulgated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the District. Therefore, draft Title V Permit No. 035-R1 has been prepared.
The application, the draft permit, and all other materials submitted by the applicant [except those entitled to confidential treatment under 20 DCMR 301.1(c)] considered in making this preliminary determination are available for public review during normal business hours at the offices of the Department of Energy and Environment, 1200 First Street NE, 5th Floor, Washington DC 20002. Copies of the draft permit and related fact sheet are available at
A public hearing on this permitting action will not be held unless DOEE has received a request for such a hearing within 30 days of the publication of this notice. Interested parties may also submit written comments on the permitting action.
Comments on the draft permit and any request for a public hearing should be addressed to:
Stephen S. Ours
Chief, Permitting Branch - Air Quality Division
Department of Energy and Environment
1200 First Street NE, 5th Floor
Washington, DC 20002
No comments or hearing requests submitted after November 13, 2017 will be accepted.
For more information, please contact Abraham T. Hagos at (202) 535-1354 or