Request for Applications (RFA) for Boat Sewage Pumpout Project
The District Department of the Environment (DDOE) seeks eligible entities to promote improved water quality and increased compliance with the District of Columbia’s ordinance prohibiting discharge of sanitary sewage from vessels, D.C. Official Code § 8-103.06 (m). DDOE seeks applications for a project for the purchase, improvement, and installation of one or more boat sewage pumpout systems or for the purchase and use of a pumpout boat in District of Columbia waters. The amount available for the project in this RFA is approximately $95,600. This amount is subject to availability of funding and approval by the appropriate agencies.
Obtaining text of the RFA: The full text of this Request for Applications (RFA), and the three required attachments, are available as links at the bottom of this page. Additionally, a person may obtain a copy of this RFA by any of the following methods:
Email a request to [email protected] with “Request copy of RFA 2015-1506” in the subject line;
Pick up a copy in person from the DDOE reception desk, located at 1200 First Street NE, 5th Floor, Washington, DC 20002. Call Joanne Goodwin at (202) 535-1798 to make an appointment and mention this RFA by name; or
Write DDOE at 1200 First Street NE, 5th Floor, Washington, DC 20002, “Attn: Joanne Goodwin RE: RFA 2015-1506” on the outside of the letter.
The deadline for application submissions is February 8, 2015 at 4:30 pm. CORRECTION: Because February 8, 2015 is a Sunday, the deadline will be moved to February 9, 2015 at 4:30 pm. Five hard copies must be submitted to the above address and a complete electronic copy must be e-mailed to [email protected].
RFA Contact: For additional information regarding this RFA, send an email to: [email protected].
Questions & Answers
Q: Are operational expenses eligible, i.e. boat operator salary in the case of a pumpout boat?
A: Yes, reasonable operational expenses such as pumpout boat operator salary are eligible expenses.
Q: If the same applicant wishes to apply for more than 1 pumpout system for the same project are two applications required or may they be combined into one?
A: Two project proposals may be submitted in one application. However, each proposed project will need its own outcomes, outputs, and activities; project methods; measurements; and budget. DDOE funding for multiple projects proposed through one application may not be more than the total of available funds stated in the RFA. DDOE may choose to fund two, one, or none of the proposed projects.
One applicant may submit two separate applications, each for a different project. In this case, each application may be for up to the full amount of available funds.
As a reminder, available funds will cover up to 75 percent of total project costs.