Bradley Site Design (BSD)
2011 Mayor's Environmental Excellence Award Winner:
Outstanding Achievement by a Construction/Development Company
Bradley Site Design (BSD) is a landscape architecture and land planning firm committed to sustainable site design and community revitalization. Our main goal is to create safe and healthy environments in urban neighborhoods, where they are most needed. Many of our projects are affordable housing developments with lean budgets and tough conditions. Through these projects we are proving that sustainable site design is achievable and less expensive than traditional design methods. We have developed a comprehensive approach to redevelopment: in addition to restoring natural systems and "re-greening" urban spaces, we strive to provide community-building opportunities. By involving the community in the design and construction process and by incorporating elements that continue to foster good relationships, we can effect change that is truly sustainable.
BSD limits construction to the smallest possible envelope to preserve trees, soils and topography on the site, as well as to protect the surrounding area from additional stormwater runoff, erosion, and perimeter soil compaction. Tree Preservation is especially important on urban projects. The aesthetic value and psychological benefits of a neighborhood filled with mature, leafy trees, though hard to quantify, are impossible to dismiss. Mature trees save thousands of dollars in construction and building energy consumption.
Bradley Site Design incorporates low impact development measures such as the reduction of impervious surfaces and the incorporation of rain gardens and bioswales. These measures keep stormwater on the site, protecting regional watersheds and turning rainwater into a valuable resource for plant and animal life. By using native plants that are carefully selected and placed, BSD creates landscapes that do not require irrigation. We produce maintenance specifications that are practical and ecologically sound, and we maintain ongoing relationships with property managers to help resolve issues as they arise. We provide highly visible and well-lit pedestrian systems, bike paths, and public transportation hubs to encourage and accommodate healthier modes to travel. The music venues, playgrounds, picnic areas and community gardens we incorporate promote social interaction and strengthen bonds among neighbors.
BSD seeks out grant programs to help fund some of these amenities. We've successfully pursued grants for shade, ornamental, and orchard trees, amphitheater facilities, and nature trails. Residents, community leaders and design team members join forces to design and install them. We have gathered to build playgrounds, vegetable gardens, and wildlife habitats. These activities always seem to galvanize communities and instill a sense of ownership that serves to protect the new environment. Perhaps even more important, it reconnects people to their natural surroundings.
Sharon Bradley and Esra Soytutan
(Not pictured) Zack Burns and Joanna Lemmon