Three case studies highlight the benefits and ease of benchmarking and improving energy efficiency.
Capital Gains: One Franklin Square
One Franklin Square doesn’t just stick out with its distinctive gold pinnacles; it also shines in Energy performance. When Hines first benchmarked energy use at One Franklin Square in 1999 they found that it performed respectably well with an ENERGY STAR® rating of 77 out of 100. But they also knew that even small changes to improve performance add up quickly—and they have. As a result of energy improvements they have implemented since they started benchmarking, the company has reduced utility consumption by six million kilowatt-hours per year. And those savings continue to grow. Over the last 18 years utility rates have increased by 125% in the DC area, but Hines’ tenants have only seen 19% of that thanks to these improvements. EPA has repeatedly recognized One Franklin Square for its exceptional performance; the building has one of the longest streaks of top marks in ENERGY STAR certification of any District building. Read the full case study attached below.
Energy Efficiency Investments Yield Quick Returns: Demonet Building
When Transwestern took over management in 2009, one of the first things they did was benchmark, or measure and rate, the Demonet Building’s energy performance. With an ENERGY STAR® score of 41 out of 100, they knew there was work to be done. Transwestern made a myriad of low-cost changes in energy equipment and procedures that have quickly paid for themselves in utility bill savings. In just three years, the building’s energy performance rose from a 41 to a 72. Some of the biggest savings came from operational changes that cost nothing and took only a few hours of time. Managers are hopeful that the building’s score will rise further as more efficiency improvements are made. Read the full case study attached below.
Big Returns with Little Investment: 4600 Connecticut Avenue Condominium
Benchmarking energy use helped the board of the 4600 Connecticut Avenue Condominium determine the best investments to reduce energy use and improve sustainability. Key efforts have involved the installation of energy-efficient washing machines, and a solar thermal array on the roof of the building, with no up-front costs. Thanks to the installation of the panels, residents have seen a 19% drop in their water heating bills.Read the full case study attached below.