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Rebate Incentives | Rebate Process | Homeowner Rebate Packet
District residents, who install rain gardens that treat stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces on their property, are eligible for a rebate. A rain garden captures and infiltrates stormwater from an impervious area, preventing stormwater from entering the city sewer system.
Rebate amounts are determined by project type and are issued as a direct reimbursement to residents once the project is completed, inspected, and approved.
How It Works
The Rain Garden Rebate Program is administered by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay (the Alliance) on behalf of DOEE. Funding is limited, so rebates are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. Residents, who have already received a RiverSmart Homes grant, are eligible for rebate funding.
Rebate Incentives
Rain Gardens
Gardens designed to capture and infiltrate stormwater from an impervious area are eligible for a rebate of $41/square foot of garden area.
All gardens must have a 1:10 ratio of garden area to impervious area. For example, a 50 square foot garden manages a maximum 500 square feet of roof area.
The maximum rebate is $3,000.
To qualify:
A minimum of 50 square feet of rain garden (project area) must be installed.
A minimum of 400 square feet of impervious area needs to be directed from the roof through a downspout or from other runoff sources into the project area.
Only plants native to the Chesapeake Bay Watershed may be planted in a rain garden.
Rebate Process
Before Construction Begins
- Determine project location.
- Review the Rain Garden Rebate Program Homeowner Guide and Rebate Application Packet (attached below).
- Perform a percolation test. The Perc Test Worksheet is part of the Rebate Application Packet.
- Select a contractor or determine the equipment you will need if you will be performing the work yourself.
- Submit the Rebate Application Packet, including a design sketch, itemized invoice, Perc Test Worksheet, Rebate Maintenance Agreement, and before photos to Jordan Gochenaur at jgochenaur@allianceforthebay.org or mail to: 151 West Street, Suite 101, Annapolis, MD 21401.
- Receive approval from the Alliance to begin project installations (this will require a pre-construction inspection, if you have not already received a DOEE Stormwater Audit).
After Construction is Complete
- Notify Jordan Gochenaur (jgochenaur@allianceforthebay.org) at the Alliance that construction is complete and project is fully paid for.
- Submit after photos of project site, final invoice, and a Project Completion Form if any changes to the original design occurred.
- Schedule a post-construction inspection with DOEE or the Alliance.
- Expect to receive a rebate reimbursement check in the mail 2-6 weeks after post-construction approval.
Homeowner Rebate Packet
The Rain Garden Rebate Homeowner Guide and Application Packet are attached below.