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DOEE Weatherization Day

Last Date:

1200 First Street NE Washington, DC 20002

Department of Energy and Environment Presents Free Weatherization Day Workshops on October 30


October 30th is recognized as Weatherization Day.  This day marks an annual opportunity to bring attention to the low-income households that spend a disproportionate percentage of their annual incomes on home energy bills.  Each year, the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE) provides cost-effective, permanent solutions for reducing the heavy energy burden families can endure. These weatherization programs not only save energy through advanced technologies to improve energy affordability, but also save lives and improve the health and safety of families by identifying carbon monoxide hazards, poor indoor air quality, mold, and other health threats. Join DOEE to celebrate Weatherization Day with these special events:


Who:     Department of Energy and Environment


What:    Weatherization Day


Date:     Friday, October 30, 2015


Times:   10:00am – 12:00pm: Contractor Networking Session

2:00 pm – 4:00 pm: Free Weatherization Sessions with DOEE, UPO, and DC SEU


Where: 1200 First Street NE | Washington, DC 20002


With support from the US Department of Energy (US DOE), more than 6.7 million homes have been weatherized across the nation since 1976. 


  • In Fiscal Year 2015, DOEE weatherized over 500 homes in the District.


  • Weatherization has been shown to reduce the symptoms of asthma by 11.8%. Improved indoor air quality means a healthier environment for people with any of a wide variety of respiratory illnesses. Adequate air changes each hour are calculated by Weatherization professionals and they are committed to indoor air quality in homes weatherized.


  • Participants have reported a decrease in disrupted sleep by a 44%. Weatherized homes improve the comfort and ability for families to get much-needed rest for the next day.


  • Weatherization can save as much as $283 per year on utility bills with even higher savings reported in some parts of the country.


  • Installing energy efficiency measures makes your home more attractive to potential buyers and builds equity. The more efficient the home, the more likely it is to catch the eye of prospective buyers and generate an offer that you can’t refuse.


  • Weatherization reduces our country’s dependence on foreign oil and saves precious fossil fuels; it improves communities by improving housing stock. [1]


DOEE provides free US DOE grant funded weatherization services including energy efficient home improvements such as insulation, air sealing, and replacement of inefficient appliances.  Eligibility requires an application, income qualification and homeowner approval.  For more information on the Weatherization Assistance Program please go to


About DOEE Weatherization: DOEE’s weatherization program operates under DOEE's Energy Administration Energy Efficiency and Conservation Branch (EECB). This agency has accumulated a wealth of experience in operating weatherization programs. DOEE has utilized proven and effective methods in performing energy audits and has enlisted several subgrantees to implement weatherization activities.


[1] Weatherization Day Tools & Resources. (n.d.). Retrieved from

[1] Weatherization Day Tools & Resources. (n.d.). Retrieved from

