- Second training session is on September 10.
DOEE is actively recruiting new partners to help install and administer the rain barrel component of the RiverSmart Homes program. A request for applications (RFA) to select organizational partners will be available on July 7, 2015, at DOEE’s Grants and Other Funding page.
To prepare for the RFA, DOEE will provide free trainings for interested contractors, organizations, and individuals on August 19 and September 10. This is an opportunity to learn more about the program and learn how to install rain barrels.
The RiverSmart Homes program is in high demand and is a great opportunity to add to your organization’s or business’s offerings. RiverSmart Homes offers District residents incentives to install rain barrels, plant trees, and implement conservation landscape practices that reduce stormwater runoff to help protect District waterways and the Chesapeake Bay. The program also provides education and outreach to teach residents the importance of reducing runoff and how to maintain the practices they choose to install.
Who is eligible to attend?
Anyone who has experience with power tools. You do not need previous experience installing rain barrels. You may also send more than one representative from your organization.
Is there a cost?
No, the training is free.
What material will be covered?
The training will be a full day. There will be a classroom session in the morning on installation best practices and the administrative process. In the afternoon, the class will shadow a rain barrel installation at one of the RiverSmart Homes sites. Please come prepared with water, gloves, boots, etc.
Dates and Location
Wednesday, August 19, 2015, 9am–5 pm
(Rain date: August 25)
Thursday, September 10, 2015, 9am–5 pm
(Rain date: September 15)
Morning Session:
9am–12pm – classroom instruction
Location: 1200 First Street NE, 5th Floor, Washington, DC
Metro: Red Line, NoMa-Gallaudet U station
Afternoon Session:
1–5pm – rain barrel installation at a RiverSmart Homes site
Location: TBD (Address will be provided the morning of the training.)
Please RSVP by Wednesday, August 12
RSVP to Lauren Linville at [email protected] or (202) 535-2252. Please RSVP early to secure your spot, and do not hesitate to call with questions.