Sustainable DC is holding a Twitter Town Hall meeting TOMORROW, July 31, from 3 to 4 pm. The meeting will focus on the four cross-cutting topics of health, education, jobs, and equity, and how each relates to sustainability. This information, along with feedback collected in our community conversations earlier this summer, will be used to help develop vision statements and goals for each topic.
The online-only event will be a one-hour conversation with OP Director Harriet Tregoning (@OPinDC) and DDOE Director Christophe A.G. Tulou (@DDOE_DC) using the hashtag #SustainableDC. Anyone with a Twitter account can participate in the discussion. Participants are encouraged to interact with other participants during the conversation by using mentions (such as @mayorvincegray), and directing comments and questions at one another.
During the conversation, the Directors of OP and DDOE will answer questions and receive feedback about Sustainable DC. To facilitate the experience, the platform TweetChat ( can be used to filter #SustainableDC tweets. Alternatively, participants may log-in to Twitter as usual and account use the hashtag #SustainableDC to follow the conversation. Please contact [email protected] with questions or further instructions.