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RiverSmart Permeable Surface Rebates

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Important Program Notes:

  • $6,000 maximum rebate per property for properties located within Wards 7, 8, and/or the Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Area
  • No rebate funds are available for properties in the Combined Sewer System (CSS) that are outside of Wards 7 and 8. We are not able to accept or review applications for properties outside of these boundaries.

Please use this map to determine if your property qualifies for the rebate program.

Please contact Nancy Reyes at [email protected].

Rebate Incentives  |  Rebate Process  |  Homeowner Rebate Packet

District homeowners who remove impervious surfaces and replace them with permeable pavement or re-vegetate them to reduce and/or treat stormwater runoff from impervious surfaces on their property are eligible for a rebate.

There are two types of projects, each designed to capture and filter stormwater. When determining which is most suitable for your home, it is helpful to consider the characteristics of your property and how to plan to use the space. Rebate amounts are determined by project type and are issued as a direct reimbursement to homeowners once the project is completed, inspected, and approved.

Eligible projects
Replacement of impervious surface with vegetation: impervious surface is removed and ground is tilled and planted with vegetation. Native plants are strongly recommended. Garden, sod, grass seed/straw are also allowed.

Replacement of impervious surface with permeable pavers: impervious surface is removed and replaced with permeable pavers, often a patio or parking area, designed to capture and filter stormwater on property.

How It Works
The 2022 Permeable Surface Rebate Program is administered by the Alliance for the Chesapeake Bay (the Alliance) on behalf of DOEE. Funding is limited so rebates are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis.

Impervious Surface Removal
Impervious surfaces removed and replaced with vegetation are eligible for a $8 per sq. ft. rebate.

Existing soil must be tilled and mixed so that it is no longer compacted, as well as vegetated (garden, sod, seed/straw). Stormwater received from a downspout or rain barrel/cistern overflow is preferred, but not required. Homeowners may perform work themselves or hire a contractor.

To qualify:

  • A minimum of 200 square feet of impervious surface must be removed and replaced with vegetation (garden, sod, seed/straw).

Permeable Pavers
Impervious surfaces removed and replaced with permeable pavers are eligible for a $15/sq. ft. rebate.

To qualify:

  • A minimum of 100 square feet of impervious surface must be removed and replaced with permeable pavers;
  • Permeable paver area must receive stormwater from a downspout or rain barrel/cistern overflow; and
  • Installation must be completed by a contractor with the PICP Record of Completion from the Interlocking Concrete Pavement Institute.

Rebate Process

Before Construction Begins:

  1. Determine project type (permeable pavers, and/or impervious surface removal) and location.
  2. Review the Permeable Surface Rebate Program Applicant Guide and Application.
  3. Perform a percolation test. The Perc Test Worksheet is part of the Rebate Application.
  4. Select a contractor or determine the equipment you will need if you will be performing the work yourself.
  5. Submit the Application, including a site design, estimated invoice, Perc Test Worksheet, Maintenance Agreement, and pre-construction photos to Nancy Reyes at the Alliance via email ([email protected]) or mail to: 729 8th Street SE, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20003.
  6. Schedule a pre-construction inspection with the Alliance. Construction may begin after approval is granted after the pre-construction inspection. The project must be completed within one year of the notification that pre-construction approval has been granted.

After Construction is Complete:

  1. Notify Nancy Reyes at the Alliance via email ([email protected]) at the Alliance that construction is complete.
  2. Submit post-construction photos of project site, final invoice, and a Project Completion Form.
  3. Schedule a post-construction inspection with the Alliance.
  4. Expect to receive a rebate reimbursement check in the mail four to six weeks after post-construction approval.

Homeowner Rebate Packet

The Permeable Surface Rebate Program Applicant Guide and Application are attached below.

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