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Oxon Run Stream Restoration Project

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Oxon Run Park in Ward 8. The stream enters D.C. south of the intersection of Southern Ave. & Mississippi Ave. SE and flows in a south westerly direction paralleling Mississippi & Valley Ave. in SE. Then it crosses under South Capitol St. SE into southwest DC before it enters into Prince Georges County, MD and then enters Oxon Cove before flowing into the Potomac River.

Project Status:

In Procurement - Presently, the 30% Design and Environmental Assessment Project is in the procurement process. DOEE expects the Design Contract to be awarded in early 2022.
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Project Overview:

The long-term goal of the Oxon Run Stream & Wetland Restoration Project is to restore to a naturalized state the stream that flows through the Project area, thereby restoring natural hydrology, preventing erosion, reducing flood risk, improving water quality, and enhancing and creating wildlife habitat.
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Objectives for the Design Contract:

The specific objectives of the Project are to:

  • Complete all compliance work related to Oxon Run Stream Restoration as it applies to National Environmental Policy Act and the National Historic Preservation Act (i.e., an Environmental Assessment);
  • Produce Preliminary Designs (30% Designs) for a stream restoration project for the entire stream corridor from Southern Ave. and Mississippi Ave. SE to Oxon Cove that will create a stable, sustainable, and naturalized stream; that demonstrate that magnolia bogs in Reach 1 are protected from stormwater run-off and enhanced through proposed hydraulic changes; that will ensure long-term protection and stabilization of existing sanitary and stormwater infrastructure; that will improve resiliency to communities that live in the watershed by reducing or removing the flood risk to private properties in the District of Columbia and Prince George’s County, MD; that factor in the effects of climate change to resiliency along the stream corridor;
  • Produce one Preliminary Design Master Park Plan that maps out recreational, community, green, and other spaces past, present, and future in Oxon Run Park on both NPS, DPR, and PGC lands;
  • Produce a Master Park Planning Document that explores the current uses of the park and access points and recommends future uses based on community needs and projected demographic changes along the corridor. The Master Park Planning Document shall include estimated costs for implementation of Master Park Plan and explore potential revenue sources; and
  • Execute a comprehensive community engagement plan that involves community members, stakeholder groups, and partner agencies in a collaborative planning process to create a vision for the future of Oxon Run, Oxon Run Park, and Oxon Cove in the District of Columbia.

Estimated Project Timeline:

The Oxon Run Stream Restoration Project is large and complex project that must evaluate issues related to equity, infrastructure (roads, bridges, sewer lines, stormwater outfalls, trails, etc.), floodplains and wetlands, biology, and more. The designs will take time to ensure that all project impacts are evaluated and addressed to ensure a successful project for all stakeholders.

  • Design Award - Estimated for early 2022
  • 30% Design Phase – 2022 through 2024
    • 30% Design Phase will produce 30% designs for the stream and wetland restoration work, a master park plan for the Oxon Run Park, an assessment of and recommendations for sanitary sewer line improvements, National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Compliance, and community outreach & engagement work. The NEPA process involved a pre-NEPA phase that takes 1-2 years to gather data and study the project area and then the NEPA process takes 6 months to present the information and proposed project to the public and stakeholders for comment.
  • 60-100% Design Phase – 2025 & 2026
    • At the conclusion of the 30% Design Phase DOEE can move forward to complete full designs by executing additional option years for the contract. The 60-100% Design Phases will only include designs for stream restoration. DPR & DGS will have the completed Park Master Plan and DC Water
  • Construction Phase – 2027 onward
    • Because the design process has not even started DOEE at present time does not know the extent or impacts of the construction work for the Oxon Run Stream Restoration Project. The 30% Design Phase and NEPA Compliance (above from 2022-2024) will help the District and community residents better understand impacts of the project to the stream, the park, and to the community & neighbors around it.


Community Outreach and Engagement:

Contact Information:

Josh Burch
Environmental Protection Specialist
[email protected]  |  (202) 734-9527

Contact TTY: