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Request for Applications - RiverSmart Schools Maintenance Education, and Training

Friday, February 14, 2025

DOEE seeks eligible entities to design and implement the RiverSmart Schools (RSS) Education program. The amount available for the project is approximately $75,000.

A person may obtain a copy of this RFA by any of the following means: 

Download from the attachments section below

Email a request to [email protected] with “Request copy of RFA-FY25-WPD-864” in the subject line.

The deadline for application submissions is March 28, 2025.  The online application must be time-stamped by 11:59 pm. on the date the application is due.

 Eligibility: The institutions below may apply for these grants:

  • Nonprofit organizations, including those with IRS 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) determinations.

DOEE will hold a pre-application meeting on Wednesday, February 26, 2025, at 10:00 am. 

Meeting Details:

WebEx linkMeetinh Access>>
Meeting number: 2302 389 1433. 
Password: public

Join by video system
Dial [email protected]
You can also dial and enter your meeting number.

Join by phone.
+1-202-860-2110 United States Toll (Washington D.C.)
1-650-479-3208 Call-in number (US/Canada) Access code: 2302 389 1433

or in person at DOEE conference room 509.

For additional information regarding this RFA, write to:  [email protected]   

 Submit an application through the Grants Application Portal