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Notice of Funding Availability - Well Regulations Guidance Document

Friday, February 5, 2016

DOEE seeks eligible entities to develop a supporting guidance document that will present detailed procedures and specifications for well construction, maintenance, and abandonment that will assist the responsible party with achieving regulatory compliance. The guidance document will provide directions for individuals and businesses that own, construct, maintain, or abandon wells in the District, and for those who seek to engage in these activities.

The deadline for application submissions is March 25, 2016 at 4:30 pm.

One may obtain a copy of this RFA by any of the following means:

Download from the attachments below.
Email a request to with “Request copy of RFA 2015-1509-WQD” in the subject line;
Pick up a copy in person from the DOEE reception desk, located at 1200 First Street NE, 5th Floor, Washington, DC 20002. Call Rebecca Diehl at (202) 535-2648 to make an appointment and mention this RFA by name; or
Write DOEE at 1200 First Street NE, 5th Floor, Washington, DC 20002, “Attn: Rebecca Diehl RE: 2015-1509-WQD” on the outside of the letter.

The deadline for application submissions is 3/25/2016 4:30 PM.  Five hard copies must be submitted to the above address and a complete electronic copy must be e-mailed to

Eligibility: All the checked institutions below may apply for these grants:

  • Nonprofit organizations, including those with IRS 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) determinations;
  • Faith-based organizations;
  • Government agencies
  • Universities/educational institutions; and
  • Private Enterprises.

For additional information regarding this RFA, please contact DOEE as instructed in the RFA document, at

Questions & Answers

Q:  Would the District/DOEE consider a modification to the Indemnification Clause of Appendix 3? As the existing clause is written, it could potentially require our firm to indemnify the District for claims that are outside the scope of our insurance coverage
A:  DOEE is looking into that modification with the District's Risk Management Office (RMO).  Applicants should assume that the provision stands, and budget accordingly. But, if RMO allows, DOEE will negotiate with the awardee regarding this matter before the grant is finalized, allocating "saved" expenses to other grant work. And, of course, if the requirement stands, a selected applicant will be able to decline the grant.


Q:  Will RFA # 2015-1509-WQD require any work to be conducted on federal property?
A:  This RFA does not require any work to be conducted on federal property.

Q: Applications are due on this grant in March 2015.  Would a former DOEE employee, who left DOEE in May 2015, (within one year of the application date) be excluded from participating in the technical work under this grant?
A: The DC Personnel Manual contains District rules that address interactions between former District employees and the District. (Section 1811 Post-Employment Conflict of Interests) (found at  In particular, the Manual bars “any transactions” within one year of separation:

A former employee (other than a special government employee who serves for fewer than one-hundred and thirty (130) days in a calendar year) shall be prohibited for one (1) year from having any transactions with the former agency intended to influence the agency in connection with any particular government matter pending before the agency or in which it has a direct and substantial interest, whether or not such matter involves a specific party.

(Personnel Manual § 1811.10) (found at

The Personnel Manual rules address other aspects of post-employment conduct. (Personnel Manual § 1811)  District employees are also subject to federal criminal post-employment law. (See Personnel Manual §§ 1811.1-.2, citing federal statutes)

The District’s Board of Ethics and Government Accountability (BEGA) addresses these issues.  (See  Presumably BEGA would respond to a request from the former employee for an interpretation of these provisions.

DOEE follows the Personnel Manual requirements and BEGA requirements.  In its consideration of applications for the instant grant DOEE would exclude from consideration any reference during the one-year period to such former employee and would avoid during that period any “transactions” with him/her.