Draft Air Quality Permits 6407-R2 through 6410-R2, U.S. General Services Administration, Construction and operation of four temporary natural gas and No. 2 fuel oil fired boilers with <100 MMBTU/hr heat input ratings at the Central Heating and Refrigeration Plant, 13th and C Streets SW
Notice is hereby given that, pursuant to 20 DCMR § 210, the Air Quality Division (AQD) of the Department of Energy and Environment (DOEE), located at 1200 First Street NE, Washington, DC, intends to issue air quality permit renewals (Nos. 6407-R2 through 6410-R2) to the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA), to install and operate four (4) temporary rental boilers, each rated less than 100 million BTU per hour heat input, as needed, at the sidewalk north of the GSA Central Heating and Refrigeration Plant (CHRP) located at 13th and C Streets SW, Washington, DC 20407. These boilers may only be operated if existing boilers of equal or larger size at the facility are shut down (as for maintenance, repairs, etc.) simultaneously with the operation.
The permit applications and supporting documentation to install and operate the four (4) rental boilers, along with the draft permit are available for public inspection at AQD and copies may be made between the hours of 8:15 A.M. and 4:45 P.M. Monday through Friday. Interested parties wishing to view these documents should provide their names, addresses, telephone numbers and affiliation, if any, to Stephen S. Ours at (202) 535-1747.
Interested persons may submit written comments or may request a public hearing on this subject within 30 days of publication of this notice. The written comments must also include the person’s name, telephone number, affiliation, if any, mailing address and a statement outlining the air quality issues in dispute and any facts underscoring those air quality issues. All relevant comments will be considered in issuing the final permit.
Comments on the draft permits and any request for a public hearing should be addressed to:
Stephen S. Ours
Chief, Permitting Branch - Air Quality Division
District Department of the Environment
1200 First Street NE, 5th Floor
Washington DC 20002
No comments or hearing requests submitted after August 2, 2021 will be accepted.
For more information, please contact Stephen S. Ours at (202) 535-1747.