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Cleanup Site - Pepco Buzzard Point Facility and Electrical Distribution System

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Pepco Buzzard Point Facility and Electrical Distribution System (Vault System)

From approximately 1933 to 1981, Pepco owned and operated a coal-fired and later oil-fired electrical generating plant, and from 1968 to 2012, an oil fired combustion turbine peaking plant at Pepco's Buzzard Point facility located at the intersection of First Street and V Street SW, D.C. Pepco discontinued all generating plant operations at the BP Facility in 2012 but continues to operate an electrical substation at the facility. Pepco will be conducting Environmental Assessment at the BP facility pursuant to the requirements of a consent order between the District of Columbia and Pepco, entered by the Superior Court of the District of Columbia Civil Division on February 2, 2024.

Pepco also operates a network of approximately 60,000 subsurface vaults and manholes primarily located throughout the District Of Columbia, as part of its area-wide electrical distribution system (Vault System). Pursuant to the consent order, Pepco is required to conduct environmental assessment of the vault system. If the assessment determines that hazardous substances are, or potentially being released to the environment or pollutants are being discharged to District waters, additional assessment or corrective action will be warranted.


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