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Draft Remedial Investigation (RI) Report February 2016

Monday, September 23, 2019

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A Draft RI Report describing the Phase I field investigation and its findings was finalized on February 26, 2016 . The Draft RI Report was made available for public comment from March 1, 2016 through April 18, 2016. A response to public comments was prepared and released to the public in August 2016. The Draft RI Report identified several data gaps with respect to the Phase I Site characterization, background data evaluation, and human health and ecological risk assessments (ERAs). Per DOEE’s RI Path Forward letter of January 14, 2016, Pepco prepared three technical memoranda to further define data needs and prepare for additional Site characterization. Technical Memorandum #1 – Conceptual Site Model (CSM) provided a detailed description of the operational Site historical operations, with a focus on the use, storage, disposal, release, and cleanup of various chemicals and waste materials, and identified data gaps and uncertainties in the Site characterization conducted to date as part of the RI/FS. Technical Memorandum #2 – Refined Background Evaluation Work Plan described the rationale and procedures for revising the background data evaluation originally presented in the Draft RI Report. Technical Memorandum #3 – Baseline Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment Work Plan described the rationale and procedures for revising the preliminary baseline human health risk assessment (BHHRA) and preliminary baseline ecological risk assessment (BERA) originally presented in the Draft RI Report. The Technical Memorandums are included in RI/FS Work Plan Addendum 3. The three technical memos were approved by DOEE in October 2016. The entire Draft Remedial Investigation (RI) Report describing Phase I investigation can be accessed under Administrative Record File - PEPCO | Powered by Box.