DOEE seeks eligible entities to develop projects that will provide District youth and young adults, ages 14-24, participating in the Green Zone Environmental Program (GZEP), a summer workforce development program, with education and training focused on improving water quality, establishing or deepening participants’ connection to the environment, and provide skills for entry-level jobs in the green economy. In addition, projects should raise awareness and lead to behavior change on issues of water quality and the impacts of stormwater runoff on District water bodies. The amount available for the project is approximately $60,000. An applicant may apply for up to $20,000.
Beginning February 26, 2021, the full text of the Request for Applications (RFA) will be available in the attachments section below. A person may obtain a copy of this RFA by any of the following means:
Download from the attachments section below.
Email a request to [email protected] with “Request copy of RFA 2021-2109-WPD” in the subject line.
The deadline for application submissions is April 9, 2021, at 11:59 pm. A complete electronic copy must be e-mailed to [email protected] with a time stamp by the due date and time.
An informational webinar/conference call and opportunity for question and answers will be held on Wednesday, March 10, 2021 from 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm. Please see meeting information below:
- Webinar
Attendee Link >>
Meeting Number: 160 744 7372
Password: meeting
- Call in
Call in number: 1-202-860-2110
Access number: 160 744 7372
Eligibility: All the checked institutions below may apply for these grants:
- Nonprofit organizations, including those with IRS 501(c)(3) or 501(c)(4) determinations;
- Faith-based organizations;
- Government agencies;
- Universities/educational institutions; and
- Private Enterprises.
For additional information regarding this RFA, write to: [email protected].