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Linnean Outfall and Gully Restoration

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Project Location:

- Linnean Outfall & Gully Restoration Site

The Linnean Outfall and Gully restoration site is located in the Forest Hills neighborhood in Northwest Washington, DC. The gully extends from a dead end on Linnean Ave. south to Soapstone Creek.

Project Overview:

Stormwater flowing from the Forest Hills neighborhood has caused severe erosion within the 250 ft gully that runs downslope from the stormwater outfall near the end of Linnean Avenue NW to Soapstone Creek. This stormflow is destabilizing the banks, degrading water quality, and undermining nearby trees. The restoration will establish a stable channel and provide ecological uplift in the waterbody and the surrounding area.  The outfall and gully are located on property owned by the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) and designated as Right-of-Way. Since the DDOT Right-of-Way is surrounded by Soapstone Valley Park, which is operated by the National Park Service (NPS), DOEE has coordinated with NPS to ensure designs will minimize impacts on the park and blend into the natural landscape.

DOEE is also coordinating with DC Water project managers working on the Soapstone Valley Park Sewer Rehabilitation project nearby. More information about the work that DC Water is conducting can be found on the DC Water Soapstone Valley Park Sewer Rehabilitation Project website.  The Linnean Outfall and Gully Restoration project will be designed to align with the asset protection planned and constructed by DC Water along Soapstone Valley.

Project Goals:

  1. Reduce streambank erosion and channel bed incision to provide long-term stream stability and downstream water quality benefits.
  2. Remove invasive plant species within the project area
  3. Reduce stormwater volume and velocity entering the stream channel
  4. Improve in-stream and riparian habitat conditions
  5. Enhance tree canopy by protecting existing trees and planting new native trees

Project Status:

A Request for Proposals (RFP) was released in 2023 to select a contractor to conduct the design and construction of the restoration project. In February of 2024 DOEE awarded the design build contract for this project to Biohabitats, Inc.

- Linnean Outfall and Gully Restoration RFP (Now Closed)

Estimated Project Timeline:

  • Design and Construction Award – Contractor selection completed February 2024
  • Design Phase and Community Meetings – February 2024 to February 2025
  • Construction Phase – February 2025 to February 2026

Community Involvement:  

Residential property owners in the project drainage area (see map below) are encouraged to learn more about the RiverSmart Homes program and how you can help reduce stormwater pollution. RiverSmart Homes offers incentives to residents who install practices that capture stormwater runoff such as rain barrels, shade trees, and raingardens. Make your home "RiverSmart" and be part of the solution to reduce pollution and erosion in Soapstone Stream and Rock Creek! For more information, please visit RiverSmart Homes.  


For questions or more information, please contact Matt English at [email protected] or (202) 308-0453.
Linnean Gully Project Map

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