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Air Quality Exceptional Events

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DOEE found in our analysis that three ozone exceedances occurred in June 2023 that were the result of unique circumstances directly related to wildfire events and has conducted an analysis of the two exceptional event demonstrations. The first wildfire event consisted of two wildfires that occurred concurrently in New Jersey and Nova Scotia, and the second wildfire event was in Quebec, Canada. Both wildfire events caused an air quality public health emergency and ozone level exceedances in the District. DOEE found the wildfire events meet the federal exceptional event regulation requirements because the District could not mitigate the fire-caused ozone exceedances. If the District excludes ozone data on any of these three days, the District would have a 2022 design value that met the 2015 Ozone NAAQS.

The Exceptional Event Demonstration and Analysis for both proposed exceptional events are in the Attachment(s) section below.

DOEE will hold a public hearing on Monday, February 26, 2024, at 5:30 pm for parties interested in commenting on DOEE's two proposed exceptional events. Information on the Public Hearing and Public Comment Period is in the Attachment(s) section below.

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