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eCYCLE DC: Retailers

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Retailers of covered electronic equipment (CEE) have responsibilities under eCYCLE DC, including complying with sales restrictions on nonregistered manufacturers or brands. Retailers may also have responsibility for providing point-of-sale information on how to properly recycle purchased electronic equipment.

Sales Restrictions on Nonregistered Manufacturers

Retailers may sell or offer for sale new covered electronic equipment (CEE) in the District only if

  • the equipment is labeled with a readily visible brand identifying the manufacturer, and
  • the manufacturer has registered with DOEE; or
  • the manufacturer is exempted from these requirements.

- Registered or Exempt Manufacturers and Brands List (last updated 8/1/24)

It is a violation of the District’s electronic waste law for retailers to sell or offer for sale new CEE not on this list.

DOEE has identified manufacturers whose CEE is being sold in the District even though the manufacturers are not registered with DOEE or exempt from registration. Retailers may not sell their CEE, nor covered equipment from any manufacturer that is not on the above list.

Nonregistered Manufacturers List (last updated 8/1/24)

If a nonregistered manufacturer registers, DOEE will update the Nonregistered Manufacturers List to remove the manufacturer.

A retailer will not be subject to penalties for selling or offering to sell CEE received from a manufacturer whose registration has expired or been revoked if (1) the manufacturer was registered at the time the retailer took possession of the equipment and (2) the sale occurred within 6 months of the expiration or revocation.

Point-of-Sale Information to Customers

Manufacturers or retailers must provide point-of-sale information to customers on how to return purchased covered electronic equipment for recycling. If the manufacturer does not include recycling information on or in the product box, the retailer must provide this information at the point of sale.

To assist retailers, DOEE has developed the following signs that retailers may use to meet the point-of-sale requirements.


The Electronics Stewardship Program Infractions establish fines that DOEE may assess against retailers for failure to meet electronic stewardship requirements. DOEE may also take court action to enforce compliance.

Contact Us
Please email [email protected] with questions.

Visit the eCYCLE DC Resource page for a complete list of resources and documents for the eCYCLE DC program.

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