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Renewable Energy in the District

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In January 2019, Mayor Bowser signed the Clean Energy DC Omnibus Amendment Act of 2018, codifying the District as the nation’s preeminent leader in clean energy and climate action by setting a mandate of 100% renewable electricity by the year 2032.
The updated Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) requires electricity suppliers to provide an increasing amount of renewable energy to District residents and businesses. Under the RPS, electricity suppliers must buy 100% of their power from renewable sources by 2032, with 15% coming from local solar power by 2041 (Local Solar Expansion Act of 2022). Through the RPS, the District can avoid a substantial portion of its projected 2032 GHG emissions. However, a key issue here will be to ensure that while more renewable energy is being added to the District’s energy mix, electricity rates remain affordable for both District businesses and residents.
In addition to the RPS, the CEDC Plan lays out other strategies for increasing local renewable energy generation, and encourages the development of innovative neighborhood-scale energy resources within the District.


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