Through storage tank regulation, licensing, and enforcement, DOEE's Underground Storage Tank (UST) services protect human health and the environment from the adverse effects of petroleum, petroleum-related products and hazardous materials from USTs in the District. UST is organized into two programs: Underground Storage Tanks (UST) and Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST).
Underground Storage Tanks (UST) - This program oversees the installation of new tanks, and the operation, maintenance, and closure of existing tanks.
- Forms, Guidance, and Public Documents: These documents help regulated entities and individuals understand and comply with District law related to USTs.
- Operator Training: UST operators in the District must take DOEE-approved training, which can be found here. Additionally, this link provides guidance for delivery training provider requirements and required training for Class A, B, and C Operators.
- Certifying UST Contractors: Individuals and businesses that perform underground storage tank removal, installation, testing, closure, and related work must be certified by DOEE.
- Underground Storage Tank Database
Leaking Underground Storage Tanks (LUST) - This program manages the cleanup of areas impacted by leaking tanks, ensuring that risks to human health and the environment are reduced and eliminated.
- Cleanup Standards: When remediating a site with a leaking tank, the site must meet certain cleanup standards.
- Voluntary Remediation Action Program (VRAP): VRAP assists entities that voluntarily seek to cleanup sites with leaking tanks.
- Forms, Guidance, and Public Documents: These documents assist regulated entities and individuals understand and comply with District law related to LUSTs.
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