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Receive Assistance With Your Utility Bills (LIHEAP)

UPDATE: DOEE's Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) program is no longer accepting applications for FY 2025 effective Saturday March 8, 2025. The LIHEAP program will open again in October 2026 in FY 2025. 

The Utility Discount Programs (UDP) which is a discount on your utility bills remain open and applications are still accepted. Residents may apply for UDP using the online portal.

Residents may also still be eligible for a discount on Pepco bills through the District's Solar for All program.

LIHEAP assists income-eligible District households with heating and cooling energy costs. Eligible households may receive energy bill assistance between $250 and $1,800 as a one-time regular energy assistance benefit. This benefit is based on household size, total household income, heating source, and type of dwelling.

DOEE also provides emergency utility assistance payments to households that are disconnected from utility service, have an oil tank at 5% or less of capacity, are of age fifty-five or older, and have received a disconnection notice. This is a one-time payment to a single utility and the payment will equal the amount owed, up to $750.

How to apply:

All residents seeking energy assistance will need to meet income guidelines (listed below) and provide the following documents when submitting their application: 

  • Government issued unexpired photo identification for the applicant
  • Recent Washington Gas, PEPCO, and DC Water utility bills 
  • Proof of current income for all household members
  • Social security cards for all household members
  • Your service disconnection notice or a letter from the utility company that states the service has been disconnected (if applicable)*

* Residents seeking emergency electric or gas assistance must provide documentation from PEPCO and/or Washington Gas that states their service has been disconnected when applying for assistance.

  - Apply online >>

How to apply in-person:

NOTICE: The energy assistance centers located at 1207 Taylor St. NW & 2100 Martin Luther King Ave. SE are no longer scheduling in-person appointments for FY 2025 (Oct. 1, 2024 - Sept. 30, 2025). Residents may continue to submit applications via online, fax, and mail.

Regular Assistance
Regular Assistance is for when energy service has not been disconnected:

  1. Review the income guidelines below to verify income eligibility
  2. Call 311 to schedule an appointment at one of DOEE’s Energy Centers

- Appointments are required to receive regular and emergency energy assistance. Walk-ins will not be accepted.

Emergency Assistance
Emergency Assistance is for when energy service has been disconnected or home heating oil is depleted:

  1. Review the income guidelines below to verify income eligibility
  2. Call 311 to schedule an appointment at one of DOEE’s Energy Centers

How to apply via the mail:

Print and complete this application along with copies of the required documents (translated applications attached below).

Mail the application & required documents to:

Department of Energy & Environment
Attn: Utility Affordability Administration
1200 First Street NE, 5th Floor
Washington DC, 20002

LIHEAP Income Guidelines for FY25  (October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025)

Income thresholds for eligibility:
 - $57,571 for 1 person household
 - $75,286 for 2 person household
 - $93,001 for 3 person household
 - $110,715 for 4 person household
 - $128,429 for 5 person household
 - $146,144 for 6 person household
 - $149,465 for 7 person household
 - $152,787 for 8 person household

Office Locations:

   1207 Taylor Street, NW

  • Serving Wards 1,2,3,4, 5 & 6
  • Interpreter services available & ADA Compliant

   2100 Martin Luther King, Jr. Avenue, SE

  • Serving Wards 6,7, & 8
  • Interpreter services available & ADA Compliant

Note: DOEE is the SOLE entity authorized to accept and process LIHEAP applications. You MUST submit your LIHEAP application directly to DOEE in order to sign up. DOEE has become aware that third parties may be accepting applications. DOEE cautions that you should NOT provide your LIHEAP application to any other entity, including a utility or government agency other than DOEE, as they are NOT authorized to accept and process them. Providing LIHEAP applications to an entity other than DOEE may put the confidentiality of your personal information at risk.

The video above interviews beneficiaries of the LIHEAP program & program administrators. It includes an introduction from Gene Sperling, White House Coordinator for the American Rescue Plan.

Additional Resources

Notice of Public Comment Period - Draft Fiscal Year 2025 LIHEAP State Plan
DOEE invites the public to present its comments in writing or at a virtual public hearing on the FY25 Draft State Plan for the Low- Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP). The deadline for submitting comments is August 20, 2024. Read More>>

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