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Collin Burrell, Deputy Director
(202) 535-2255 | [email protected]
The Environmental Services Administration (ESA) protects public health and the environment in areas related to air quality, hazardous waste, lead, pesticides, and underground storage of petroleum products. ESA is comprised of four divisions: Toxic Substances, Air Quality, Lead & Healthy Housing, and Rail Safety & Emergency Response Division.
Toxic Substances Division
Dave Tomlinson, Associate Director
(202) 481-3847 | [email protected]
The Toxic Substances Division (TSD) works with hazardous wastes, pesticides, underground storage of petroleum, and other hazardous contamination. These and other responsibilities are broken down among four branches:
- The Hazardous Materials Branch oversees the use and disposal of toxic chemicals.
- The Pesticides Branch registers and provides oversight on pesticides in the District.
- The Land Remediation and Development Branch oversees the voluntary redevelopment of contaminated properties, required remediation of sites with known hazardous pollution releases, and the remediation of formerly used defense sites.
- The Underground Storage Tank (UST)/Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Branch ensures proper installation, operation and removal of USTs, and the cleanup of LUSTs, and surrounding areas.
Air Quality Division
(202) 535-2988 | [email protected]
The Permitting Branch reviews permit applications for new and existing sources of air pollution. The branch ensures permits individually and collectively do not exceed various air quality standards.
The Monitoring Branch measures the quality of the outdoor air in the District.
The Compliance and Enforcement Branch inspects facilities, buildings, and other sources of air pollution. When a violation is observed, the branch may issue a warning letter, fine, or an order, to ensure compliance with the law.
The Planning Branch writes regulations that improve air quality, develops State Implementation Plans (SIP) so that the District can meet federal air quality standards, estimates emissions inventories for the District, conducts analyses of air quality data, and conducts oversight of the District’s vehicle emissions inspection (I/M) program.
Lead-Safe and Healthy Homes Division
Jhermayne L. Bullock, Associate Director
(202) 478-2441 | [email protected]
The Lead-Safe and Healthy Housing Division ensures the housing and child-occupied facilities in the District do not pose a health threat to its occupants. Threats are identified and mitigation is arranged through enforcement efforts and grant programs. The Division has three branches:
- The Healthy Housing Branch takes proactive steps to prevent harm caused by indoor environmental health threats and responds to all cases of children under age six identified with an elevated blood lead level.
- The Lead Compliance and Enforcement Branch oversees the District’s lead laws (including lead certification, accreditation, and abatement requirements), and undertakes compliance monitoring and assistance as well as enforcement measures.
- The Licensing and Certification Branch oversees the Childhood Lead and Prevention Amendment Act of 2017 DC Act 22-21. Providing water testing for lead and remediating with primary prevention strategies and water filters in all Childcare Centers in the District of Columbia.
Rail Safety and Emergency Response Division
Richard Taylor, Associate Director
(202) 673-6748 | [email protected]
The Rail Safety and Emergency Response Division is committed to the tenants of safe rail transport of passengers and freight throughout the District, emergency preparedness, and environmental integrity contribute to a cleaner city for all of the District’s inhabitants. The division does this with two programs.
- The Rail Safety Program (RSP) is responsible for ensuring that the District residents and railroad employees are protected from unsafe practices on freight and passenger railroads by enforcing state and federal rail safety rules, regulations, and inspection efforts.
- The Emergency Response Program (ERP) is delegated by the Department of Energy and Environment to respond to reports of environmental emergencies as well as to investigate and mitigate releases of oil or potentially hazardous substances on public or private property.