The Lead-Based Paint Accreditation, Certification and Permitting Program protects human health and the environment from the hazards of lead-based paint. The program is the authorized United States Environmental Protection Agency state program under a federal grant to DOEE. This is done through:
- Certification of lead-based paint professionals and accreditation of training providers
- Permitting of lead-based paint abatement projects and activities
- Inspection and compliance monitoring of lead-based paint activities
- Enforcement of District and federal lead regulations
Resources for Business
- Certification Exam Information and Exam Schedule [PDF]
- Work Discipline Requirements [PDF]
- Lead in Paint, Dust, and Soil from EPA
- DC Training Providers List [PDF]
- EPA-Accredited Renovation, Repair, and Painting Program (RRP) Training Providers
- Lead-Based Paint Abatement Companies [PDF]
- Lead-Based Paint Consultant Companies [PDF]
(Lead inspections, risk assessment and air monitoring.) - Apply online for a Lead Abatement & Renovation Permit
We are not currently accepting walk-in applications for certification. Please apply online.
For more information, please call (202) 535-2637.
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