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Environmental and sustainability service icon
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

DOEE recognizes that a sustainable future will ensure equity and prosperity for every District resident.

Default icon of the DC Flag
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

UPDATE: The Affordable Solar program closed on September 30, 2016. Please continue to check back for updates on solar initiatives in the District of Columbia.

Default icon of the DC Flag
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

UPDATE: Thank you for your interest in the Small Business Solar Pilot program. The program is currently fully subscribed through the end of September 30, 2016. Please continue to check back for further updates.

Water Quality service icon
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

The EPA approved a joint Total Maximum Daily Load to limit trash in the Anacostia River in the District of Columbia and Maryland.

Default icon of the DC Flag
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

The Office of Urban Agriculture works to increase food production in the District of Columbia and support a mo

Environment and sustainability service icon
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

Review the procedures, protocols, training opporunities and guidance documents for underground storage tanks.

Energy Assistance service icon
Utility Affordability Programs

DOEE can help you with your energy and utility bills. Discounts on Your Utility Bills

Environment and sustainability service icon
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

Review the requirements, protocals and procedures for participation in the Voluntary Cleanup Program. 

Default icon of the DC Flag
Vegetation In the District

The District, a fully developed, urban city, still hosts many green spaces, with a variety of vegetation types.

Transportation and motor vehicles service icon
Photo of emissions from automobile tailpipe.

DOEE ensure the success of the Vehicle Emissions Inspection and Maintenance Program by reviewing data collection procedures, calibrating instruments, reviewing the training certification for emissions inspectors, and conducting station performance reviews. 

Environment and sustainability service icon
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

Anyone who qualifies to enter the VRAP Program (not an owner or responsible party of LUST site/facility), may complete the VRAP Application Package and submit it to DDOE,

Water quality service icon
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

Clean water is essential for human and animal life, for commerce and industry, and for recreation. DOEE administers several programs dedicated to improving water quality within the District.

Water Quality service icon
Water Quality in DC

The mission of the Water Quality Division is to restore and protect the surface and ground waters of the District of Columbia. 

Laws regulations and courts service icon
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

Review the legal standards and regulations that support water quality, stormwater management, and watershed protection in the District.

Water quality service icon
Default image of the DC flag being held in a hand

The District's Watershed Implementation Plan (WIP) explains how DC will achieve and maintain the water quality benefits outlined in the Bay TMDL.

Water quality service icon
Photo of chemicals floating atop water

DDOE's Watershed Protection Division (WPD) protects and restores the environmental health of our watersheds through stormwater management and sediment and erosion control regulations.
