
Business owners, managers, and employees need to comply with the District's environmental regulations and evaluate the environmental impact of your operations, products and services.

The District law requires that all children get screened for lead exposure at both 1 and 2 years of age.

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1. What is a Stormwater Retention Credit (SRC) Purchase Agreement?

The District’s Fertilizer Law took effect on April 20, 2013, and is formally known as the Anacostia River Clean Up and Protection Fertilizer Act of 2012.

OEEJ implements DOEE’s Environmental Justice Program, and serves as the agency contact for environmental enforcement matters.

Whether you fish or simply enjoy the beauty and importance of the District’s wild animals, wildlife matters. DOEE’s Fisheries and Wildlife Division is the guardian of the District's wildlife resources.

The ability to better protect, conserve, and enhance fisheries and wildlife resources is crucial for our native species.

Flood insurance provides a better alternative to disaster aid, and helps reduce the rising costs of restoring flood-damaged buildings and their contents after a flood.

DOEE coordinates the District's participation in the National Flood Insurance Program, and works with the Federal Emergency Management Agency and District agencies on implementation.

DOEE works hard to build, sustain, and improve the District's capability to prepare for, protect against, respond to, recover from, and mitigate flood hazards.

You should check the floodplain maps to ensure that you are maintaining proper insurance coverage for your property.

DOEE and partners will be hosting free blood lead screenings throughout the summer.

Conserving fuel will lessen the impact of higher oil prices and our country's reliance on foreign oil imports, help the nation's economy, and improve the environment.

DOEE is responsible for ensuring compliance of both District and federal laws, inspecting DC workplaces, worksites, and retail establishments that sell, store, or use pesticides.