
Vehicles produce almost a quarter of the District’s annual greenhouse gas emissions, making the transportation sector an important target in its efforts to achieve the District’s target of carbon neutrality.

The mission of the District of Columbia’s Clean Water Construction (CWC) program is to fund the design and construction of voluntary projects that provide clean water to District streams and rivers.

The District Government is approaching climate change from two sides: adaptation and mitigation.

It is illegal to sell, use, or permit the use of coal tar pavement products in the District of Columbia.

If you suspect that a business is in violation of the District's Ban on Coal Tar, Ethylene Cracker Residue, or High PAH Pavement Products, please complete this form.

DOEE offers multiple ways to green your commercial property and make your business more sustaina

Become a Volunteer Water Quality Citizen Scientist and gain hands-on experience collecting data and water samples throughout the District!

This DC Clean Marina Partnership promotes environmental stewardship, waste minimization and pollution prevention at marinas, clubs and boatyards.

A road map that will lay the foundation for District-wide implementation and integration of environmental education into the K-12 curriculum.

The District of Columbia Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU) helps DC residents and businesses use less energy and save money.

The District Appliance Efficiency Standards (DAES) program was created to save District of Columbia residents and businesses money on utility bills, and help meet the District’s energy and climate goals described in the Sustainable D

By attending to our own waterways, we can best control what the District discharges into the Bay, ultimately leading to a cleaner Bay.

Who in our community is building a greener, more sustainable future? Nominate a business, school, organization or individual!

You can conduct a Do-It-Yourself Audit, which will enable you to identify and correct most problem areas.